New Requirement for Submitting Federal Register Notices to State Office

CA IM-2014-007
Instruction Memorandum

February 19, 2014

In Reply Refer To:
1120 (CA912) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2014-007
Expires: 09/30/2015

To:                   California State Management Team and Public Affairs Officers

From:              Deputy State Director, External Affairs

Subject:           New Requirement for Submitting Federal Register Notices to State Office

Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to institute a procedure to verify the cost code contained in Federal Register Notices (FRN).

Policy/Action:  Each Program and Project Lead, Field Manager, Public Affairs Officer and District Manager is responsible for ensuring that the cost code on FRNs are accurate and valid BEFORE the FRN is sent to the State Office for review. 

The author of the notice will prepare a memo which certifies that the cost code therein has been vetted by the District or Division Budget Officer.  The memo will be in addition to the documents currently required for a FRN package – three signed originals of the Notice, Briefing Paper, Communication Plan, Maps and/or Legal Description Review (if applicable). 

An example of this memo is attached for your convenience. 

Timeframe:  This Instruction Memorandum is effective immediately.

Budget Impact:  Not significant.

Background:  In order to ensure prompt and accurate payment to the Government Printing Office for Federal Register Notices, the Washington Office (WO), Division of Regulatory Affairs has put in place a process for ensuring the cost code information contained within the notices are reviewed by a Budget Officer and deemed to be accurate and valid.

Additionally, the Briefing Paper template has been modified to reflect this new requirement and paragraph # 13 has been added.  The State Office Budget Representative must certify (by signature) in paragraph # 13 that the cost code contained in the Federal Register notice is accurate and valid.

Coordination:  This IM was developed in consultation with the WO Division of Regulatory Affairs.

Contacts:  If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Michelle DiPinto at (916) 978-4600 or Martha Maciel at (916)978-4616.


Signed by:                                                                                          
Martha L. Maciel                                                                               
DSD, External Affairs                                                                       

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

Attachment – 1
Federal Register Notice Cost Code Verification (1 p)


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In Reply Refer To:




To:                   State Director

From:               Field Manager, District Manager or DSD

Subject:           Federal Register Notice Cost Code Verification

In accordance with current guidance regarding Federal Register Notices, REPLACE WITH YOUR OFFICE OR DIVISION is forwarding the attached INSERT TITLE OF NOTICE, for State Office review.

As required, I am verifying that the following cost code has been vetted by the District/Division Budget Officer and is found to be accurate and valid.

Cost Code


Attachment 1