Deposit, Use and Procedures for Requesting Lands & Realty and Minerals Trespass Funds

CA IM-2013-026
Instruction Memorandum

June 17, 2013

In Reply Refer To:
1325 (CA920/CA930) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2013-026
Expires: 09/30/2014

To:                   All BLM CA District and Field Managers

From:              State Director

Subject:          Deposit, Use and Procedures for Requesting Lands & Realty and Minerals Trespass Funds

Program Areas: Lands & Realty, Minerals

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum provides direction in the use of lands & realty and minerals trespass funds collected and deposited into the Repair of Damaged Lands (L5320 functional area) account.  Also provided are procedures for requesting these funds.  Fire trespass funds are not addressed in this IM and are managed under a separate process.

Policy/Action: Effective immediately, the following procedures will be used to request trespass lands & realty and minerals funds.  The Field Office will prepare a written request to include the trespass case (Serial #) that the work is associated with, project description, cost estimate, timeframe, and other relevant information (photos, maps).  The request should comply with the general guidance for use of trespass funds as provided in the trespass handbooks for Lands & Realty and Minerals in H-9232-1 and H-9235-1 respectively.  The request should also indicate that the Field Office has advised and communicated with the appropriate State Office Program Lead.  The steps in the process are as follows:

  • Request is approved by the Field Manager.
  • District Manager reviews and concurs with the request.
  • The request is forwarded to the State Budget Officer for tracking purposes.
  • Requests less than $50,000 – State Budget Officer refers request to the appropriate Deputy State Director (DSD) for review and action.
  • Requests greater than $50,000 – State Budget Officer refers request to the appropriate DSD for review and recommendation to the Associate State Director for review and action.

1.  Minerals - Deposit and Use of Funds Collected (Source: H-9235-1 Mineral Material Trespass Prevention and Abatement Handbook)

             a.  Deposit of Funds Collected:  All collections from mineral materials trespass
                  settlements or bond forfeiture (including penalties and forfeitures) are deposited to
                  account 14X5017.2, Fees, Charges, Deposits, and Forfeitures, BLM, within
                  functional area Repair of Damaged Lands L5320 (Public Domain Lands).   
                  This includes:
                       1.)  Any moneys received as a compromise or settlement of any claim involving
                              mineral materials trespass, whether in tort or contract, including trespass
                              liability funds inclusive of value of the materials and trespass penalties.

                        2.)  Moneys received as the result of the forfeiture of a bond or deposit by a
                               mineral materials purchaser or permittee who does not fulfill the
                               requirements of the contract or comply with the regulations.         
             b.  Use of Funds Collected:   

                        1.) The Interior Appropriations Act P.L. 105-83 of November 14, 1997 provides 
                             that collections received as a result of forfeiture, compromise, or settlement,
                             are available to BLM until expended to improve, protect, or rehabilitate
                             damaged public lands that are administered by BLM.   Any collections
                             received that are in excess of amounts needed to repair damage to the exact
                             land for which the funds were collected may be used to repair other damaged
                             public lands.
                       2,) These collections are also available to the BLM to offset the administrative
                             and reclamation costs of trespass settlement or bond forfeiture.

2.  Lands & Realty - Deposit and Use of Funds Collected. (Source: H-9232-1 Realty Trespass
Abatement Handbook)

           a. Deposit and Use of Administrative Costs:  Administrative costs received in trespass
               liability settlements are deposited to account 14X5017.2, Fees, Charges, Deposits, and
               Forfeitures, BLM, within functional area Repair of Damaged Lands  L5320 (Public
               Domain Lands).   The collections are available to the Bureau to offset the
               administrative costs of trespass resolution.  Amounts collected for administrative costs
               should relate directly to the cost of resolving a specific trespass. 

           b. Deposit of Rental Liability Collections and Trespass Penalties: Realty trespass rental
               liability funds and trespass penalties are deposited to account 141099, Fines, Penalties
               and Forfeitures.  THESE FUNDS ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO THE BUREAU. 

          c. Deposit and Use of Rehabilitation/Stabilization Funds: Funds received for
              rehabilitation/stabilization of damaged lands as a result of trespass settlement or bond
              forfeiture are deposited to account 14X5017.2, Fees, Charges, Deposits, and Forfeitures,
              BLM, within functional area Repair of Damaged Lands  L5320 (Public Domain Lands). 
              The moneys received are available for in-state rehabilitation and stabilization work on
              lands damaged by the trespass. 

          d. The State Office Budget Office will monitor charges in the L5320 account for the
              approved lands & realty and minerals projects.  If there are funds in excess to those
              needed for repair of the trespass area, Field Offices should notify the State Budget
              Officer.  These excess moneys may then be pulled back to use for repair or protection
              of other damaged public lands. 

Timeframe: Effective immediately.

Budget Impact: None.

Background: This provides up to date guidance for the state concerning the use of lands & realty and minerals trespass funds deposited in the L5320 account.  Updated guidance is necessary in order to provide for a consistent statewide utilization of lands & realty and minerals trespass funds in the L5320 functional area.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  H-9235-1, Mineral Materials Trespass and Abatement
                                                                        H-9232-1, Realty Trespass Abatement


Signed by:                                                                                                      
Angie Lara                                                                                                     
Associate State Director                                                                                

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

Attachments - 2
    1 – List of typical projects using trespass funds (1 p)  
    2 – Example of recent request (2 pp)  


California State Office

Fiscal Year