FY 2013 California Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Safety and Occupational Health Action Plan

CA IM-2013-013
Instruction Memorandum

March 26, 2013

In Reply Refer To:
1112 (CA-940) P       

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2013-013
Expires: 09/30/2014

To:                   All California Managers and Supervisors

From:               State Director

Subject:           FY 2013 California Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Safety and Occupational
                         Health Action Plan                                                      Due Date:  April 26, 2013

Program Area:  Safety and Occupational Health                                                                

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum transmits the California BLM FY 2013 Safety and Occupational Health Action Plan.  This plan was developed to strengthen and improve our overall state Safety and Occupational Health Program. 

Policy: This Instruction Memorandum updates and reissues the policy on Safety and Occupational Health for the California BLM and transmits the attached California State Safety and Occupational Health Action Plan, Best Management Practices and Safety Training Matrix.

California BLM’s policy is to provide safe and healthy working conditions, prevent employee injuries, work-related illnesses, and visitor injuries, and protect Bureau owned or leased property from damage.  

All managers are responsible and accountable for implementing and managing a vigorous safety and health program, and incorporating safety conscious work practices for all programs under their jurisdiction.  Management is responsible for maintaining a safe and healthful working environment, and promptly evaluating and taking actions to correct hazards reported by employees or identified through an inspection or accident investigation (such as annual facility inspections and CASHE audits).  In addition, the California BLM Strategic Framework includes an emphasis on employee safety as part of our Foundation Operational Excellence and identifies Public Safety as an Outcome Goal under the Community business line. 

Supervisors at all levels are responsible for accident prevention and employee training.  They are also responsible for ensuring that employees under their supervision observe appropriate safety and occupational health rules and regulations.

All employees, volunteers and contractors must comply with established standards and promptly report all hazards to their Supervisor, District Safety Officer, Fire Safety Officer, Collateral Duty Safety Officer, or a Field Office safety committee member for correction.

I expect each of you and your staffs to incorporate safety into your workforce and budget planning processes to ensure that appropriate funding, personnel and other means are allocated to effectively administer the Safety and Occupational Health Program.  We all have a responsibility to prevent accidents, to identify and correct hazards, to provide a healthy work environment and to provide and use appropriate safety engineering practices, administrative controls and/or Personal Protective Equipment/Clothing.  In addition, I expect each of you to establish an environment which values safety as a priority in the decision making process.

The development and maintenance of a shared sense of safety awareness is a responsibility across all levels and activities of the California BLM.  Tolerating unsafe conditions or practices is equivalent to promoting these threats and contributes to the overall weakening of our organization.  A threat to the safety and well-being of any employee, volunteer, contractor or visitor is cause for concern and an opportunity for us all to practice mutual accountability.

A list of California BLM Safety Officers who can assist you in implementing a strong program are provided in Attachment 3.

Policy/Action:  Each District/Field Office and the California State Office must develop its own Safety and Occupational Health Action Plan tiering from the State plan and listing specific items that will make their District/Field Office Safety Program more successful.  District/Field Offices are to incorporate into their plans the applicable action items listed in the State Safety and Occupational Health Action Plan (Attachment 1).  A copy of the District/Field Office Safety and Occupational Health Action Plan should be sent to CA940 by April 26, 2013.

Timeframe:  This IM is effective immediately.  Action items identified in the plan should be completed by the end of the fiscal year.

Budget Impact:  This policy is not expected to result in additional costs not normally associated with integrating safety and health issues through all program areas.

Background:  Bureau Manual 1112 – Safety, requires an annual Safety and Health Action Plan and interim and annual progress reports on the BLM’s implementation of this Plan to be submitted to the Department of the Interior. 

The California BLM Safety and Health Action Plan addresses the six critical elements of a successful Safety Program with the overall goal of preventing accidents and supporting the President’s Protecting Our Workers and Ensuring Reemployment (POWER) Initiative.   

Coordination:  District Safety Officer, Field Office Collateral Duty Safety Officers, and Advisory Safety and Health Committee.

For additional information and guidance on the Safety and Occupational Health Program, please review BLM Handbook 1112-1, Safety and Health Management and BLM Handbook 1112-2 Safety and Health for Field Operations.  Questions regarding this Instruction Memorandum can be directed to the Acting State Safety Manager, Robert Haggerty at (951) 697-5210 or Deputy State Director for Support Services, Karen Barnette at (916) 978-4501.


Signed by:                                                                                                      
Angie Lara                                                                                                     
Associate State Director                                                                                

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

Attachments - 3
   1- California BLM State Safety and Health Action Plan (10 pp)
   2- Safety Accomplishments (6 pp)
   3- California BLM Safety Officers Roster (1 p)


California State Office

Fiscal Year