Reissue of WO IM 2006-113 – Marking and Posting of Bureau Land Management Property and Jurisdictional Boundaries

CA IM-2013-003
Instruction Memorandum

October 19, 2012

In Reply Refer To:
9600 (CA942) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2013-003
Expires:  09/30/2014

To:          District Managers and Deputy State Directors

From:     Deputy State Director, Support Services

Subject:  Reissue of WO IM 2006-113 – Marking and Posting of Bureau Land Management
                        Property and Jurisdictional Boundaries                                                                                     

Program Areas:  All land managers with activities on or near Bureau of Land Management (BLM) property or jurisdictional boundaries

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) reissues IM 2006-113

Policy/Action:  In light of recent events that have occurred throughout the State, I would like to remind line officers of the Washington Office Instruction Memorandum IM 2006-113, “Marking and Posting of Bureau of Land Management Property and Jurisdictional Boundaries.”  This IM instructs Bureau employees, contractors, or agents to consult with their respective Cadastral Survey program before any action is taken to identify or mark a BLM property boundary.  There have been numerous incidents that resulted in private parties being in trespass because they relied upon objects they interpreted as marking a federal boundary, when the land manager only intended to “approximate” the boundary.  The public should be able to reasonably rely upon fence lines, signs, improvements, etc. that the Federal Government has established in the vicinity of boundaries with private lands.

The Office of the Inspector General reiterated this requirement in the audit report dated July 2010 (Report no. C-IN-MOA-0001-2009), wherein they cite “Transactions on lands with unreliable boundary surveys and high value resources were routinely processed and approved without the benefit of boundary evidence review by Cadastral Survey personnel.  The importance of performing cadastral work on these lands is not adequately understood by many BLM and BIA personnel.  As a result, the Cadastral Survey program is not being properly utilized.  While the cost of some cadastral work can be high, using proper risk management procedures, less expensive cadastral services, and other procedures can make this work very cost effective.”  This report includes one example where a landowner constructed a new house near a recently erected BLM fence which was “backed off” the approximate boundary to assure the fence was not in trespass on the private land.

Please involve your boundary experts early and often when your projects may be interpreted by the public as representing jurisdictional boundaries, such as wilderness boundaries, or the boundary between public and private lands. 

Timeframe:  This IM is effective immediately.

Budget Impact:  There is minimal budget impact.

Background:  This IM reissues WO IM 2006-113

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated with the State Director’s Office and within the Support Services Division.

Contact:  Timothy A Quincy, Field Section Chief, (916) 978-4312.


Signed by:                                                                                                      
Lance J. Bishop                                                                                              
Acting DSD, Support Services                                                                      

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

Attachments - 2
            Attachment 1 – WO IM 2006-113 (2 pp)
            Attachment 2 – C-IN-MOA-001-2009 (30 pp)


California State Office

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