This Policy is Inactive

FY 2013 Submission requirements for: 1) Employee Performance Appraisal Plans and 2) Individual Development Plans for Managers and Supervisors

CA IM-2012-022
Instruction Memorandum

September 6, 2012

In Reply Refer To:
1400-410, 412 (CA 945) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2012-022
Expires: 09/30/2013

To:                   Managers and Supervisors

From:              Deputy State Director, Support Services

Subject:           FY 2013 Submission requirements for: 1) Employee Performance Appraisal Plans
                        and 2) Individual Development Plans for Managers and Supervisors

This Instruction Memorandum (IM) provides guidance on the following submission requirements: 1) Employee Performance Appraisal Plans (EPAPs); and 2) Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for Managers and Supervisors.

     1)    Employee Performance Appraisal Plans:

Managing employee performance is an integral part of the work that all managers and rating officials perform throughout the year.  Effective and timely feedback during the performance appraisal period addressing employee performance on elements and standards is an essential component of a successful performance management program.  According to the Department of the Interior’s Departmental Manual on the Performance Management System (370 DM 430), rating officials must set up an EPAP for each of their employees within 60 days of the beginning of the rating period (October 1) and conduct at least one (1) progress review for each employee at approximately the midpoint of the rating period to assess progress and communicate performance.

In order to ensure that EPAPs are established in the proper timeframes, supervisors must submit (through their Field Manager, District Manager (DM) or Deputy State Director (DSD)) the cover page of their employees’ established EPAPs by December 14, 2012, to the Human Resources Office (HRO).  In addition, to ensure that supervisors are reviewing employees’ performance with the employee at least once during the appraisal period, supervisors must submit (through their Field Manager, DM or DSD) a signed copy of the cover page indicating that a midyear evaluation was completed by June 14, 2013.  At the completion of the appraisal cycle, completed EPAPs must be submitted to Human Resources within the timeframes established by the annual close out guidance for the current year.

     2)    Individual Development Plans:

Department of Interior Personnel Bulletin 06-04 requires all managers and supervisors to have an IDP  that is updated annually.  In order to ensure all managers and supervisors have an IDP and that it is updated annually, each FM, DM, DSD will be required to submit a copy of their managers and supervisors IDPs when they submit the first page of their initiated Employee Performance Appraisal Plans for the fiscal year (no later than December 14th, 2012). 

Required training needs as well as developmental activities will be identified in the IDP.  In addition, annual performance reviews and evaluations should be used to determine further developmental needs and appropriate refresher training. 

While this Instruction Memorandum requires managers and supervisors to have an IDP, IDPs are highly encouraged for all employees

The key steps to developing an individual development plan start with the supervisor having a conversation with his or her employee to compare the competencies (knowledge and skills) needed to perform the employee’s job with those that the employee possesses, and discussing approaches to address any gaps identified by this comparison.  This is also an opportunity to discuss the employee’s career goals and identify opportunities to enhance competencies necessary to achieve those future goals.  The individual development plan is a way to document this conversation and any agreement reached by the supervisor and the employee on appropriate developmental activities. 

The timing for such a conversation is best aligned with the performance appraisal.  However, the conversation should continue throughout the performance cycle.  More information about individual development plans is available in the performance management handbook.

Summary of submission deadlines:

             FY 2013 Annual EPAPs/IDPs
                   •    Submit first page of initiated EPAP to HR no later than December 14, 2012
                   •    Submit IDP for supervisors and managers no later than December 14, 2012
                   •    Submit first page of mid year evaluation no later than June 14, 2013
                   •    Closed out FY 2013 EPAP’s due to HR by date established in annual close out guidance

For questions regarding Employee Performance Appraisal Plans, please contact Lori Rosenstein, Employee Relations Specialist, at 916-978-4495 or via email at  For questions regarding Individual Development Plans, please contact Anna Dykstra, Training Officer, at 916-978-4464 or via email at

For questions regarding Employee Performance Appraisal Plans, please contact Lori Rosenstein, Employee Relations Specialist, at 916-978-4495 or via email at  For questions regarding Individual Development Plans, please contact Anna Dykstra, Training Officer, at 916-978-4464 or via email at


Signed by:                                                                                          
Karen L. Barnette                                                                              
DSD, Support Services                                                                      

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

1 Attachment
            1 - BLM IDP (9 pp)




California State Office

Fiscal Year