Transmittal of Environmental Assessment (EA) Template for Integrated Pest Management and Herbicide Use

CA IM-2012-004
Instruction Memorandum

December 21, 2011

In Reply Refer To:
1790/9015 (CA930) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2012-004
Expires: 9/30/13

To:                   All District and Field Office Managers

From:               State Director

Subject:           Transmittal of Environmental Assessment (EA) Template for Integrated Pest
                         Management and Herbicide Use

Attached is the template for preparing environmental assessments for Integrated Pest Management (IPM), including herbicide use.  This template was developed to assist Field Offices in California to adequately analyze site-specific impacts associated with IPM and tier to the Programmatic Vegetation Treatment Using Herbicides on Bureau of Land Management Lands in 17 Western States/Record of Decision (PEIS) (2007).

Field Offices are to use this template to analyze impacts of invasive species treatments and to assist in the development of Pesticide Use Proposals (PUPs).  PUPs will not be approved unless the template is used and the office has taken a “hard look” at the impacts, including cumulative, associated with the well-described proposed action and alternatives.

In accordance with the PEIS, public scoping will be conducted.  A scoping notice will be sent to interested parties that have expressed an interest in this type of project or the geographic area before the EA is complete.  Notification of the EA’s availability will be posted on the NEPA web-log and should be posted on the Field Office website, and it is advisable to include a link to the EA as well.  The unsigned FONSI will be included with the EA for public review.  Public comments will be addressed in the Decision Record.  Changes to the EA resulting from public comments may necessitate recirculation of the EA if they result in a considerable change in impact analysis.  A signed FONSI will be issued at the same time as the Decision Record.

If you have any questions, please call Dianna Brink, Range and Weed Program Lead at (916) 978-4645; or Sandra McGinnis, Planning Specialist at (916) 978-4427).


Signed by:                                                                                                       
James G. Kenna                                                                                               
State Director                                                                                                  

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

Attachment – 1
Invasive Plant Management Environmental Assessment (EA) Template (29 pp)

Fiscal Year