Special Recreation Permit Administration Supplemental Requirements

CA IM-2011-004
Instruction Memorandum

November 19, 2010

In Reply Refer To:
2930 (930) P 

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2011-004   
Expires:  09/30/2013 {Extended}     

To:                All California District Managers and Field Office Managers

From:            Acting State Director

Subject:        Special Recreation Permit Administration Supplemental Requirements

Program Area:  Recreation and Visitor Services – Special Recreation Permits (SRP)

Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to provide direction for Field and District Managers in the administration of the SRP program in California.

Policy/Action:  Field and District Managers are responsible for compliance with H-2930-1 Recreation Permit Administration Handbook and the California Special Recreation Permit Information Booklet (August 2007).  The following additional directives are provided:

  • Field and District Managers will be held fully accountable for following policy, without exception, in order to ensure public health and safety.  The Manager signing the permit shall be fully involved in the management oversight and quality control of each SRP granted. 
  • Field and District Managers will be held accountable for ensuring that permits are monitored for compliance with stipulations, terms and conditions. Permits for commercial, competitive, and large group events typically require pre-event monitoring, compliance monitoring during the event, and post-event monitoring. If the field office cannot complete all the necessary steps to administer a permit, no permit shall be issued.
  • Field and District Managers shall ensure that staff (Outdoor Recreation Planners and Law Enforcement personnel at a minimum) shall have adequate training to ensure appropriate application of law, regulation, and policy.  Staff shall be made aware of their responsibility to ensure the program is administered correctly and consistently.
  • Field and District Managers shall coordinate outreach with project applicants and user groups to ensure that they are aware of all requirements of the Bureau of Land Management Special Recreation Permit Program.  They shall also be made aware of their responsibilities in program administration, on-site monitoring, and compliance to ensure public health and safety. 

Future implementation strategy will be discussed at the December 2010 State Management Team meeting. 

Timeframe:  Effective Immediately. 

Budget Impact:  This policy has no impact on budget.

Background:  The BLM is responsible for policy, direction, and guidance for managing recreation fees and issuing and administering special recreation permits for commercial, competitive use, and organized group activities and events as a means of authorizing uses on public lands and related waters. Under the authority of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, the BLM uses the recreation permitting system to satisfy recreational demand within allowable use levels in an equitable, safe, and enjoyable manner while minimizing adverse resource impacts and user conflicts. The use of public lands and/or related waters is a privilege subject to the terms and conditions of the permits.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  The BLM Recreation Permit Administration Manual M-2930, Handbook H-2930-1, and California Special Recreation Permit Information Booklet.

Contact:  If you have questions concerning this IM, please contact Michael Ayers, Recreation Program Lead, at 916-978-4644.


Signed by:                                                                                          
James Wesley Abbott                                                                        
Acting State Director                                                                         

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management



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