Communiqué Software Training

CA IM-2010-021
Instruction Memorandum


June 17, 2010

In Reply Refer to:
1631 (CA-912) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2010-021
Expires: 9/30/11

To:         Deputy State Directors, District Managers and Field Managers

From:     Acting State Director

Subject:  Communiqué Software Training         DD: 07/01/10

The Communiqué (CQ) software will be launched in August 2010. CQ 5 is significantly different than the current version therefore, your active oversight in this roll-out is essential to maintain the superior standing that BLM CA webmasters have worked so hard to achieve.

Each Field Manager is responsible for the content of their field website and your webmasters are designated to keep that website updated and current for our constituents. Participation by at least one individual, preferably your webmaster, per field office is essential. Without this training, your office will find it very difficult to keep up with web activities.

Our State Office web team is now being trained and will conduct two CQ 5 training sessions for your webmasters. One session is planned for Norcal and Cencal webmasters at the State Office in Sacramento and the other for webmasters in the Desert District at the District Office in Moreno Valley. Each session will be 1½ days as follows:




State Office

Norcal & Cencal Webmasters

July 13, 8:30 – July 14, 12:00

Desert District Office

California Desert District & Field Offices

July 15, 8:30 – July 16, 12:00

Once this training is complete, webmasters will train and assist other web page editors in your office during this transition and upgrade.

We understand this tight timeframe puts a burden on your staffs and we appreciate your support. If you or your webmaster have difficulties, please feel free to contact us.

Please contact Mary Lou West,, (916) 978-4612 to let her know who from your office will be attending. The training is offered at no cost to participants, but all travel costs must be covered by field offices.

Signed by:
A. Este Stifel
Acting Acting State Director

Authenticated by:
Johnny Facio II
Administrative Support Assistant



California State Office

Fiscal Year