California BLM Cultural Resources Inventory Guidelines

CA IM-2009-010
Instruction Memorandum

December 19, 2008

In Reply Refer To:
8110 (CA930)P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2009-010
Expires:  9/30/10

To:          All CA Field Managers and CA Desert District Manager
                All CA Field Office Archaeologists

From:      Deputy State Director, Resources

Subject:  California BLM Cultural Resources Inventory Guidelines           

Enclosed are guidelines that are intended to meet California Bureau of Land Management’s responsibilities for cultural resources inventories under our Protocol Agreement with the California and Nevada State Historic Preservation Officers for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Protocol Agreement).  These guidelines have been developed, utilizing the direction outlined in BLM Manual 8110, Identifying and Evaluating Cultural Resources; the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Identification; National Register Bulletin 24, Guidelines for Local Surveys:  A Basis for Preservation Planning.  These guidelines will be utilized for all undertakings reviewed under our Protocol Agreement.

The purposes of these guidelines are to promote consistency amongst Field Offices, and to provide BLM guidelines to consultants and other interested parties for cultural resources undertakings on public lands in California. 

These guidelines shall be updated and submitted to the California and Nevada State Historic Preservation Offices as a possible amendment to our 2007 Protocol Agreement, or included in our 2012 planned revision of our 2007 Protocol Agreement.

If you have any questions, please contact Gina Jorgenson, Archaeologist, at (916) 978-4665.


Signed by:                                                                                          
Tom Pogacnik                                                                                     
DSD, Resources                                                                                 

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

Attachment – California BLM Guidelines for a Cultural Resources Inventory (2 pp)

cc:        Mr. Milford Wayne Donaldson, FAIA
             State Historic Preservation Officer
             Office of Historic Preservation
             PO Box 942896
             Sacramento, California  94296-0001


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