Policy on Equal Employment Opportunity and the Prevention of Harassment

CA IB-2023-005
Information Bulletin

2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1623
Sacramento, CA 95825
United States

In Reply Refer To:

1400-713 (CA-910) P

To:All Employees
From:State DIrector
Subject:Policy on Equal Employment Opportunity and the Prevention of Harassment
Information Bulletin:

BLM California embraces equal employment opportunity (EEO) and inclusiveness and works to maintain a model Federal work environment that is free of discrimination. Discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including sexual orientation), age (over 40), disability, genetic information, and reprisal is prohibited. This is not only the law; it is an essential component of our agency mission and our responsibility to the public we serve.  Discrimination, in any form, has no place in BLM California and will not be tolerated. Discrimination includes sexual or non-sexual harassment; any discriminatory act, policy, practice, or procedure that denies equal opportunity; or any conduct that demeans the dignity of another person. We are committed to ensuring that our teams work in accordance with principles of equity and fairness and that our workplace environment is safe, productive, and free from discrimination.

An employee who engages in harassment or discrimination faces consequences ranging from verbal warnings and letters of reprimand, up to termination from employment, depending on the severity of the misconduct. Managers and supervisors who do not act when they know or suspect that harassment or discrimination is occurring also face discipline. Contractor staff may be subject to comparable penalties from their employers. A contractor who fails to enforce this policy may have its contract terminated. Visitors who engage in harassment may be removed from any workplace and prevented from returning. 

Managers and supervisors are responsible for reporting and promptly correcting harassing conduct in the workplace, and employees are reminded of their obligation to avoid engaging in such behavior. All of us must be diligent in maintaining a safe workplace, free of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation against those who engage in protected EEO activity. 

We remain committed to ensuring a workplace free of harassment of any kind. I ask that all employees join me in implementing and communicating the Bureau’s Anti-Harassment policy and fostering a principled, safe, and successful work environment. 

Below are some key terms, information on the complaint process, and references on inappropriate behavior.  



Discrimination includes sexual or non-sexual harassment; any discriminatory act, policy, practice, or procedure that denies equal opportunity; or any conduct that demeans the dignity of another person.   

Harassment that is not sexual in nature is a form of discrimination that involves unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including sexual orientation), age (over 40), disability, or genetic information. It is behavior that is hostile and/or intimidating which creates an abusive or offensive work environment. 

Reprisal is the wrongful threatening or taking of either unfavorable action or withholding favorable action from another solely in response for their opposing employment discrimination or participating in an EEO activity protected by employment discrimination statutes. 

Sexual Harassment is a form of discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. 


You are encouraged to resolve issues at the lowest level possible and to use alternative dispute resolution, when possible. I encourage the use of alternative dispute resolution for both EEO and non-EEO issues when appropriate. Your firm commitment to preventing disputes when possible, resolving disputes when appropriate, and fostering an environment which uses alternative dispute resolution is not only encouraged, but is expected as a way of doing business within BLM California. Contact EEO for more information on EEO, workplace alternative dispute resolution and the use of the Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution in the workplace.

The discrimination complaint process is posted on official bulletin boards and on the EEO SharePoint site. All reports of alleged discrimination will be taken seriously, promptly investigated and handled with professionalism, dignity, and fairness. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, or reprisal, you must contact the EEO Manager at (916) 216-6602 or an EEO Counselor within 45 days of the alleged discriminatory matter or, in the case of a personnel action, within 45 days of the effective date of the action. All questions or concerns regarding this policy should be directed to the EEO Manager.

Signed By:
Karen E. Mouritsen
State Director
Authenticated By:
Larry Weitzel
GIS/Applications Mgmt. Branch, CA-946


California State Office

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