This Policy is Inactive

California Water Rights Fees and County Tax Assessments

CA IB-2012-006
Information Bulletin

February 3, 2012

In Reply Refer To:
7000 (CA930)P

Information Bulletin No. CA-2012-006

To:           All CA District and Field Managers

From:      State Director

Subject:   California Water Rights Fees and County Tax Assessments

Program Area:  Soil, Water and Air and Lands and Realty

Purpose:  This Information Bulletin (IB) updates IB-2010-013 and serves as notification to CA BLM District and Field Managers to not pay annual water right fees or penalties pursuant to notices from the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for reporting requirements for permitted and licensed water rights and/or not pay the County for tax assessment bills related to BLM administered lands.

Background:  Virtually all Field Offices receive annual notices from the SWRCB and County Tax Assessors requiring payment of fees or assessments.  District and Field Offices are not to pay any of these fees or assessments unless directed to do so by the State Director.  These include notices of assessments from the County Tax Assessor that may be identified as fire protection, flood protection, mosquito abatement, school bonds, hospitals, etc.

It is the position of the Department of  the Interior (DOI) agencies that the California’s water rights fees and other tax assessments are a tax on the United States of America, in violation of the Supremacy and Plenary Power Clauses of the US Constitution.  Furthermore, the California Statehood Act (9 Stat. 452), section 3 states that the state legislature “shall never impose any taxes or assessments” upon the public domain.  This position of the DOI was transmitted to the SWRCB in a Solicitor’s Letter dated April 28, 2005, and to the Meridian Fire Protection District and Sutter County Tax Collector on October 26, 2005 (both attached), and  remains valid today.  It is based on three legal arguments:
          1)  The Federal Government is immune from state taxation;
          2)  The SWRCB water rights fee is an impermissible tax on Interior agencies; and,
          3)  Even if the water rights fee is deemed a “reasonable” fee, rather than a tax, there is no
          clear and unambiguous waiver of federal sovereign immunity to subject and authorize the 
          Interior agencies to pay the fee.

These three arguments also apply to tax assessments.  In certain circumstances, payment of fees by the Federal government may be appropriate.  The Supreme Court in Massachusetts v United States, 435 U.S. 444, 464-67 (1978), established a three-prong test for distinguishing a legitimate fee from an impermissible tax.  The charge must

          1)   be imposed in a nondiscriminatory manner;
          2)   represent a fair approximation of the benefit received by the payer; and,
          3)   be structured to produce revenues that will not exceed the regulator’s total cost of
          providing the benefits supplied.

According to the April 2005 Solicitor’s Letter, the annual water rights fee does not meet these tests. The second Solicitor’s Letter, dated October 26, 2005, addressing tax assessments for federally-held parcels by the US Fish and Wildlife Service provides additional analysis and an example of when a fee might be appropriate for specific services. Also attached is a second Solicitor’s Memorandum discussing when it may be appropriate to pay a fee. Water rights fees and tax assessments received by the BLM do not meet these three tests. If field offices receive a notice of fees that it believes is appropriate to pay under the above guidelines, no payment should be made without first obtaining additional guidance from the BLM CA State Office.

Policy/Action:  BLM policy in 7250 requires cooperation with State Governments, conformance to applicable State water rights laws, protection of existing water rights, and acquiring and/or perfecting water rights.

Issuance of these fees and tax assessments is a yearly occurrence and represent a significant processing cost for both the issuing and receiving agencies. In order to quantify this workload, and to archive these documents as part of the BLM record, offices are instructed to scan these documents into PDF format and file them at the Soil, Water, Air, Riparian and Fisheries (SWARF) sharepoint site in the respective calendar year folders. Documents shall be named using the following convention:  bill type (WR = Water Right; CA = County Assessments), office structure, calendar year and document number (e.g., WR_CAC05000_ 2011_1; WR_CAC05000_2011_2, CA_CAC05000_2011_1, etc.). Document number references the number of documents placed in the share folder by billing type in a single office in one year. Multiple fee/bill notices can be placed in a single document as long as they are the same type of bill/fee. This information will be used to support correspondence with the SWRCB, State Board of Equalization, and County Tax Assessor’s offices encouraging them to stop issuing bills that the Federal Government will not pay, resulting in cost savings for all involved agencies.

Contact:  Karl Stein, California State Office Soil, Water, Air, Riparian and Fisheries Program Leader, (530) 224-2156.
Karen Montgomery, California State Office Realty Specialist, (916) 978-4647.


Signed by:                                                                                                      
Angie Lara                                                                                                     
Associate State Director                                                                                

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management


California State Office

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