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2008 California Cooperative Rural Fire Assistance Program, BLM Application for RFA Grant Funding

CA IB-2008-011
Information Bulletin

March 9, 2018

In Reply Refer To:
9219 (CA-943) P

Information Bulletin No. CA-2008-011

To:                   All California Fire Management, Mitigation Education, and Fuels Officers

From:               DSD, Support Services

Subject:           2008 California Cooperative Rural Fire Assistance Program, BLM Application for
                         RFA Grant Funding

Thank you for your interest in the 2008 California Cooperative Rural Fire Assistance Program.  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) pre-application process for RFA grant funding is now open.  This program targets rural and volunteer fire departments that routinely help fight fire on or near Department of Interior (DOI) administered lands.

The 2008 RFA grant program is being announced cooperatively with the BLM, National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Fish and Wildlife Service in California to better serve our constituents and improve program compliance. Applicants can apply to any California DOI agency but only one project per applicant will be selected from the participating California DOI agencies. To receive an application from participating agencies please refer to project Announcement No. ID-RFA-08-0002.

The goals of this program is intended to increase local firefighter safety and enhance the fire protection capabilities of Rural Fire Departments (RFD) by helping RFDs meet accepted standards of wildland fire qualifications, training, and performance for initial and extended attack at the local level. The RFA program also seeks to decrease wildland fire-related losses to rural economies through enhanced local fire protection; and to help reduce Federal, state, tribal and local expenditures on wildland fire suppression, particularly in the wildland-urban interface.

Applications will be accepted starting February 21, 2008 until March 21, 2008, 4:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time.  Minimum eligibility requirements for this program include the following:

1.    The department must be party to a Cooperative Agreement with an Interior Agency or Bureau, 
       their respective State Forester, or equivalent entity.

2.    The department serves a community with a population of 10,000 or less.

3.    A department serving communities with populations over 10,000 may qualify for RFA funding
       under the following circumstances:

       a.    The service area of the department includes a rural area or community with a population of
              10,000 or less. RFA funding must be used to benefit the rural service area.

       b.    Departments operate entirely within the boundaries of the county or town of more than
              10,000 that is serviced by two or more fire districts. The service area of a given district
              includes a rural area or community, or the population of the district’s jurisdiction is less than 
              10,000. The RFA funding is used exclusively for the rural portion of the district.

       c.    A fire department with at least one station that serves a community of more than 10,000 that
              also encompasses a rural zone or community with a population not exceeding 10,000. RFA
              funding must be used to benefit the rural service area.

       d.    A fire department that serves a community of 10,000 or more that also provides fire
              protection services through contract or agreement to an adjoining rural community. RFA
              funding must be used to benefit the rural area services through the contract or agreement.

4.    Your department is requesting funding for training, equipment, and or prevention activities 
       related to wildland fire; and

5.    Your department is able to meet at least a 10% cost share that may include in-kind services.

6.    The department responds to Wildland Fire incidents within BLM responsibility.

7.    Your department is working towards becoming compliant with the National Incident
       Management System (NIMS).  Please review the following checklist and the OES SEMS/NIMS
       Integration Update letter dated August 3, 2005.  For additional directions, go to website:

       The Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) has developed a phased NIMS
       compliance process for California.  By September 30, 2006, State, Local and Tribal fire services
       in California will be required to meet the following:

                   a.    Formally recognize the NIMS and adopting the NIMS principles and policies (this
                          may be addressed within your cooperative fire agreement);

                   b.    Establish a NIMS baseline by determining which NIMS requirements you already

                   c.    Establish a timeframe and develop a strategy for full NIMS implementation, (this
                          may be established within your cooperative agreement and or through the NIMCAST

                  d.    Completing the NIMS Awareness Course, “National Incident Management System,
                         an Introduction (IS 700)”, or federal equivalent, “Incident Command Systems (ICS
                         100)”. The IS 700 training is available on-line at:  

Awards are limited to $20,000 total from DOI agencies.  However, due to the large number of applications expected and the limited funding available, most awards are expected to be in the $1,000 - $10,000 range.  

For additional information on the RFA program, please contact the following California RFA representatives:  BLM- Jane Arteaga (916) 978- 4436 or Rosalind Davis (916) 978-4523.

For assistance with the application process, please contact your local BLM Field Office.  To locate the office closest to your department, please view the maps located on the following website:


Signed by:                                                                                          
Craig Barnes                                                                                      
Acting DSD, Support Services                                                          

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

Attachments - 2
            2008 California BLM Rural Fire Assistance Grant Application Instructions (2pp)
            2008 California BLM Rural Fire Assistance Grant Application (3pp)



                                        2008 California BLM Rural Fire Assistance
                                                    Grant Application Instructions


Rural Fire Assistance (RFA) funding can be used for training, equipment and/or prevention activities that improve safety and wildland firefighting capacity.  Products and services that qualify for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Training:
    • Basic, advanced, or refresher wildland fire training.
    • Simulation drills.
    • Training for future recruitment needs.
  • Equipment:
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
    • Radios (P25’s compliant only) & other communication equipment.
    • Pumps, hose, shovels, Pulaski’s, & other non-capitalized wildland fire equip, (non-capitalized equipment purchases are those items with a cost less than $10,000).
  • Fire Mitigation/Prevention/Education:
    • Home and community protection planning, (i.e., inspections, evaluations, and evacuation plans).
    • Educational products with topics related to defensible space, fire prevention, and fire ecology.
    • Community workshops, such as Fire Wise.

Funding Priorities:
      Priority grant selections will be based on a department's organizational/operational profile, as

  • Operates as a fire department serving a rural population of 10,000 people or less.
  • Recommendation from local BLM Field Office.
  • Members lack wildland fire personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Members lack wildland fire training OR need updating/advanced course work.
  • Basic safety equipment is not available for wildland firefighting (including, but not limited to, radios, first aid kits, hand tools).
  • Wildland fire prevention programs/activities not available locally.
  • Regularly assist BLM in wildland fire suppression actions.
  • Regularly assist in protecting BLM public lands.
  • High percentage of wildland/urban interface protected relative to other applicants.
  • High percentage of “Communities-At-Risk” relative to the other applicants.
  • High frequency of responses to wildland/urban fire incidents in local area.

Application Process:

All applications will be evaluated against the selection criteria and funding awarded on a competitive basis.  There may be additional application procedures depending on the selecting agency’s requirements.  You will be notified in writing about your selection status and any subsequent requirements.

Application Submission:

Applications are due to the contact staff, listed in the address below, by March 21, 2008, 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. 

Applicants may deliver packages personally, via US mail, courier, or other commercial carriers.  All packages entering federal facilities are subject to inspection and/or x-ray.  The State Office will accept hand delivered proposals daily, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, except Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays.

Applicants will submit ONE stapled hard copy of the original proposal, including attachments, to the following address:

           Bureau of Land Management
           Fire Management
           CA-944, Attn:  Rural Fire Assistance Program
           2800 Cottage Way, Ste. W-1834
           Sacramento, CA 95825-1886

           Phone Number:  (916) 978-4523
           Fax Number:      (916) 978-4444
           Email Address:   Rosalind_Davis@CA.BLM.GOV

All applicants will receive notification of award status:

          If you receive notification of the award, you will receive instructions from the awarding agency
          on how to proceed.

          Application packages received after the closing date and time will not be considered for award. 
          When a late proposal is disqualified from consideration, the applicant will be notified 





Cooperative Rural Fire Assistance Application

Fire Department Name:

Date Submitted:

Fire Department mailing address:

Fire Department Contact Person:

Fire Department Business Phone Number:

Your Cooperative Agreement Number:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________________________________
Your Cooperative Fire Agreement is with:   □ DOI Agency (BLM, FWS, BIA, NPS)    □ Tribal     □ State  □ None

Agency Contact Name:_________________________________________ Agency Phone Number:_____________

Agency  Address

Nearest Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Park Service (NPS) or Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Office:

Number of wildland-urban intermix acres protected by Fire Dept:

Community Population:

Community Name:

Average annual number of wildland fire responses within primary response area: (Do not include mutual aid responses)

Average annual number of  wildland fire responses to:

Average annual number of wildland mutual aid responses:           
          BLM:________                      NPS:________                  FWS:________                   BIA:_________

Number of Fire Department wildland fire engines:

Total number of active members on the Fire Department:

Does the Fire Department currently have wildland fire Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all active members?
 □Yes       □  No
If not, how many members are not equipped with PPE?

How many members of your Fire Department do not meet your basic firefighter safety training?

Have you analyzed your Fire Department's wildland fire prevention program needs?        □ Yes        □ No

Have you requested or received funding this year from another source? (e.g., US Forest Service/California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Volunteer Fire Assistance Program, FEMA)  If so, how much?

Has your Fire Department received any RFA funding in the past 3 years?  If yes, how much?

Total cost of Equipment/Supplies/Training/Prevention (requested amount plus matching):$_______________________

Agency (BLM/NPS/FWS/BIA) Grant Amount Requested: $___________________________

Department’s Matching Contribution (min. 10% private match) : $_____________________________

Name and Title of Requestor:

Name and Title of Department of the Interior Officer reviewing:


Date Department of the Interior Official Reviewed:

Date Approved_______________________________ Amount Approved__________________________





Matching Contribution:

Describe how you will meet the minimum 10% matching contribution (You can find guidance to federal grant matching requirements at sections A-102 C__.24 or A-110C__.23 and fund-raising ideas from





Number of Personnel



10% Match


Total Amount

Training (Wildland)



























Sub Total:





Equipment (Wildland)

Number of Items





















Water Handling (Wildland)












Sub Total:





Personal Protective Equipment (Wildland)

Number of Items

















 Hard Hats






Web Gear






 Fire Shelter











Number of Personnel



10% Match


Total Amount








Sub Total:





Prevention (within local community)





            Workshops (Firewise, etc)





            Assessments and Planning






Other Activities






Sub Total:





































California State Office

Fiscal Year