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NEPA Best Practices for Streamlining Environmental Assessments

Information Bulletin
United States Department of the Interior
Arizona State Office
One North Central Avenue, Suite 800
Phoenix, Arizona  85004-4427
May 7, 2020
In Reply Refer To:
1790 (9300) P
Information Bulletin No. AZ-IB-2020-007
To:              All Employees
Attention:  District Managers and Field Managers
From:          Deputy State Director, Resources and Planning
Subject:       NEPA Best Practices for Streamlining Environmental Assessments
This Instruction Bulletin (IB) provides guidance to assist in meeting streamlining requirements for Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Environmental Assessments (EAs).
Best Practices for Streamlining Environmental Assessments
Since the release of the March 27, 2017, Secretarial Memorandum “Improving the Bureau of Land Management’s Planning and National Environmental Policy Act Process,” Secretarial Order 3355 of August 31, 2017, and various Deputy Secretary Memos with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) streamlining requirements, a number of documents with recommendations on how to meet those requirements have been developed.  The purpose of this IB is to consolidate and provide EA best practices that would assist the BLM Arizona in meeting streamlining requirements.
While Secretarial Order 3355 did not set specific page and time limits for EAs, the August 6, 2018, Deputy Secretary memo “Additional Direction for Implementing SO 3355 for EAs,” cites the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) recommendation that EAs be approximately 10-15 pages and completed in 3 months or less.  The August 6, 2018, memo also notes that in certain circumstances, EAs may need to exceed CEQ guidance and the Department’s normal practice.  In these instances, the BLM should strive to complete EAs in 75 pages or less[1] (excluding appendices), and within 180 days.[2]  Any EA exceeding the 75 page and 180-day threshold, should be entered into the Department of the Interior NEPA Database, and be tracked.
The June 12, 2019, Information Bulletin 2019-041 “Environmental Assessment Best Practices,” defines a routine and non-controversial EA as “simple.”  This EA format would have two alternatives, including the no-action, and have no more than three issues for analysis.  A “complex” EA format would have more than three issues and more than one action alternative.  This definition should help determine which timeframe and page length an EA should be completed in.
The attached streamlining practices, if implemented, should help minimize NEPA timeframes and page lengths associated with the development of an EA.  The practices are not necessarily listed in the order of importance or the order they should be completed.
Signed by:                                                             Authenticated by:
Jody L. Weil                                                         Lacie Wilkins
Deputy State Director Resources and Planning   Administrative Assistant
1 Attachment:

[1] CEQ Proposed Rule (Federal Register Vol 85, N0 7, Jan. 10, 2020, sets EA page limits at 75 pages, not including appendices, unless a senior agency official approves in writing an assessment to exceed 75 pages and establishes a new time frame (40 CR 1501.5(e)).  Until the CEQ rule is finalized and/or the BLM issues new policy and guidance, the BLM Arizona will follow the requirements of the Aug. 6, 2018, Deputy Secretary Memo for EAs.
[2] CEQ Proposed Rule sets EA time limits at 1 year, unless a senior agency official approves a longer period in writing and establishes a new time limit.  One year is measured from the date of decision to prepare an EA to the publication of a final EA (40 CFR 1501.10(1)).  Until the CEQ rule is finalized and/or the BLM issues new policy and guidance, the BLM Arizona will follow the requirements of the Aug. 6, 2018, Deputy Secretary Memo for EAs.


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