Recreation Fee Collections and Expenditures Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 20/21

2021- 013
Instruction Memorandum

Wyoming State Office
5353 Yellowstone Road
Cheyenne, WY 82009
United States

Program Area: Recreation

Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to: provide guidance on the expenditure of 1232 (recreation fee) balances and provide references to fee program guidance from law and policy; improve Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wyoming transparency with the public about collections and expenditures of fee revenues as required by law through development of annual 1232 reports; and clarify allowable spending of recreation fee revenues.

Administrative or Mission Related: Administrative Related

Policy/Action: Field and District Offices are to plan for the use of fee dollars at the field level. To assist in that planning see the attached example PDF “1232 Annual Expenditure Summary and Spending Plan Template” (attachment 1), including sections for both past (2020) and current (2021) years. To enable consolidation of financial data and preparation of the tables required in Attachment 1, see the accompanying Excel Workbook Template “1232 Input Report Tables” (Attachment 2). Note the 4th tab – “Copy&PasteTablesForReport” are the exact tables needed for Attachment 1.

In accordance with the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) and National BLM Direction, Field Offices are to develop annual 1232 reports (FY 2020/2021 is currently due)covering all recreation fee accounts across the Field Office (including revenue from campgrounds, outfitters and guides, competitive events, and pass sales). Field Offices should account for all funds received, including any prior year funds, to include XXX funds as applicable. This annual report should be composed in Word, and mirror the PDF in Attachment 1, utilizing key Excel tables identified above and additional explanatory text of accomplishments and future projects. Annual 1232 reports will be submitted to the Wyoming State Office by the due date identified below. Upon review, Field Office annual reports may be forwarded to HQ for posting by State on this page:

Date: Please submit both documents to Keith Brown, Wyoming Recreation Program Lead,( by June 5, 2021.

Timeframe: This IM is effective upon receipt.

Background: FLREA allows land management agencies to use collected recreation fees to supplement appropriated funds and provide a steady stream of funding for recreation deferred maintenance, site enhancements and operations. The law details how agencies should inform the public of agency plans for collecting fees and expenditures and directed agencies to highlight the benefits of their fees in well-managed and well-maintained recreation sites and areas.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Coordination: This IM was coordinated with the Wyoming Leadership Team.

Budget Impact: Budget impact will be negligible.

Contact: For questions regarding this IM, please contact Keith Brown, Wyoming Recreation Program Lead, at Authenticated by: Jessica Camargo State Director’s Office Signed by: Kevin Christensen Acting Associate State Director Attachments1-PDF Annual Expenditure Summary & Spending Plan Template (2 pp)2- Excel Workbook Template - PE Input & Tables (4 tabs)Distribution Field Managers1 Central Files2


Fiscal Year