Alaska State Office
The BLM regional office in Alaska is located in Anchorage. BLM Alaska manages more surface and subsurface acres than any other state with BLM-managed lands. This includes over 70 million surface acres and 220 million subsurface acres (Federal mineral estate) in a state with a landmass equivalent to about one-fifth of the entire contiguous United States.
View BLM Alaska Regional Office Boundaries Map
BLM Alaska manages the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, the Steese National Conservation Area, the Iditarod National Historic Trail, and six Wild and Scenic Rivers. BLM Alaska also manages the agency's only National Recreation Area. Located just an hour's drive from Fairbanks, the 1-million-acre White Mountains National Recreation Area offers 12 public-use cabins, stunning scenery, peaceful solitude, and outstanding opportunities for year-round recreation.
Programs unique to Alaska include the Federal Subsistence Management Program, oversight of Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, and the Alaska Land Transfer Program—whereby federal lands are transferred through conveyances to Alaska Native Corporations, entitlement to the State of Alaska, and allotments to qualified individuals under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and amendments.
Erika Reed
Kent Slaughter
Kevin Pendergast
David Mushovic
Oliver Dillard
Kyle Cowan
P.O. Box 35005
1541 Gaffney Road
Fort Wainwright, AK 99703
United States
Latest News
Anchorage, AK 99513
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