A Toolkit for Coproducing Actionable Science to Support Public Land Management

Federal staff need usable science products to inform management decisions and actions across multiuse landscapes. A coproduction approach to conducting science can help ensure that science requested by federal resource managers meets their needs. Coproduction empowers researchers and resource managers to produce knowledge and tools that are relevant, timely, and more easily integrated into agency work processes. Staff in the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Geological Survey, North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service worked together to develop this informational toolkit. The toolkit is intended to support coproduction of science products that can inform decision making on federally managed public lands.
Tool 1: Coproduction in the Public Lands Context
Tool 2: What Level of Coproduction Makes Sense for My Project?
Tool 3: Suggested Coproduction Steps and Practices
Tool 4: Suggested Communication Deliverables for Coproduced Projects
Tool 5: A Problem-Solving Checklist for Coproduction