Tool 3 - Suggested Coproduction Steps and Practices

Tool 3 - Suggested Coproduction Steps and Practices

While there is no single approach to coproduction, there are steps you can take and practices you can follow for successful coproduction throughout a project. The following steps and practices represent ideas and actions that were beneficial in our projects, based on our collective experience.

Success in coproduction must be grounded in a commitment to building strong working relationships and good basic project management. The suggested actions complement and build on standard project management processes and steps. Although project leads for the resource management agency and science provider will often work together to initiate these steps and practices, all members of the project team work together to support and implement the coproduction effort. Early and sustained communication among all project team members is critical for successful coproduction.


A Toolkit for Coproducing Actionable Science to Support Public Land Management

Tool 1: Coproduction in the Public Lands Context 

Tool 2: What Level of Coproduction Makes Sense for My Project?

Tool 3: Suggested Coproduction Steps and Practices

Tool 4: Suggested Communication Deliverables for Coproduced Projects

            Project Logistics Tracker

            Project Briefing Sheet 

Tool 5: A Problem-Solving Checklist for Coproduction



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Category: Report


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