Tool 2 - What Level of Coproduction Makes Sense for My Project?

Tool 2 - What Level of Coproduction Makes Sense for My Project? cover

Coproduction in the public lands context is not a one-size-fits-all approach to conducting projects. Rather, it is a shared commitment by researchers and resource managers to collaborate and produce actionable science that meets the needs of resource managers. Some projects may only need limited interaction between resource managers and researchers to produce the results or tools that resource managers need. Other projects may be more exploratory, more complex, or less well defined, and may require a greater level of input and engagement throughout the project.


A Toolkit for Coproducing Actionable Science to Support Public Land Management


Tool 1: Coproduction in the Public Lands Context 

Tool 2: What Level of Coproduction Makes Sense for My Project?

Tool 3: Suggested Coproduction Steps and Practices

Tool 4: Suggested Communication Deliverables for Coproduced Projects

            Project Logistics Tracker

            Project Briefing Sheet 

Tool 5: A Problem-Solving Checklist for Coproduction


Publication Date




Category: Report


BLM Library