Headwaters Forest Reserve
The Headwaters Forest Reserve protects 7,472 acres of coastal redwood forest containing some of the last undisturbed old-growth redwood stands in the world. Several threatened species call the Reserve home, including the marbled murrelet, northern spotted owl, coho and Chinook salmon, as well as steelhead and cutthroat trout. The Reserve is within the ancestral homeland of the Wiyot people who have lived, traveled, and traded along waterways of the Humboldt Bay region for thousands of years. The forest remains significant to their dynamic culture and Tribes continue to co-steward this landscape. Established on March 1, 1999, the Reserve is managed by the Bureau of Land Management in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to protect old-growth redwood groves, other forest stands, creeks, and wildlife.
Please help protect the Reserve’s unique and delicate ecosystem by staying on designated trails.
The Elk River Trail is 11 miles round-trip and open year-round from sunrise to sunset. The first mile is paved and accessible. Dogs and bikes are allowed on the first 3 miles only. The last 2 miles ascend a steep incline to a loop through old-growth redwoods.
The Headwaters Education Center is located 0.5 miles along the Elk River Trail and is open to the public every Sunday from noon to 3 p.m., June through September.
The South Side Trail is 1.5 miles long, seasonally open from May through November, and connects with the Elk River Trail to create a 2.5-mile loop. Dogs and bikes are not allowed on this unpaved, moderately steep trail to minimize disturbances to water, fish, and wildlife.
The Salmon Pass Trail is 3 miles round-trip and seasonally open to reservation-only docent-guided hikes. Salmon Pass Trail Docent-Guided Hike Reservations at Recreation.gov
Headwaters Forest Reserve Education Center
The Headwaters Education Center, open Sundays from noon - 3 p.m. June through August, is located approximately 0.5 miles from the Elk River Trailhead. Park at the trailhead and hike, bike, roll, or stroll the short distance to the Education Center.
Over 100 years ago, the building now known as the Headwaters Education Center (HEC) served as an engine house to store the locomotives that hauled logs to the lumber mill at Falk. In 2008, the engine house was dismantled and moved to its new location along the Elk River Trail.
Each year, students from Humboldt County Schools attend fieldtrips and use this space to learn about the Reserve. Summer events with storytellers and local experts are also scheduled here and are a part of the ongoing commitment and mission of the Headwaters Forest Reserve. If you are interested in scheduling a field trip or have interest in our special events, contact Anna Arsic.
Thanks to dedicated volunteers, the HEC is open every Sunday from 12 to 3pm, June - August. Join us for educational activities or wander the train barn and enjoy interpretive displays that describe Headwaters Forest Reserve ecology and history. Contact our office if you are interested in upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Know Before You Go
To make sure your trip to the Headwaters Forest Reserve is a success, read this page first. Remember to be respectful of the Reserve and other visitors.
Rules and Regulations - The Salmon Pass Trail is accessible by reservation only. See right sidebar for reservations. Parking is limited at the Elk River Trailhead. Carpool whenever possible.
Guided Hikes
See right sidebar to make a reservation.
- Dogs must be on a leash or under voice control of the owner at all times. Dogs are only allowed on the first 3 miles of the Elk River Corridor Trail.
- Pedestrian access is allowed only on designated trails.
- Bicycles are allowed from the Elk River parking area to the posted turn-around, approximately 3 miles up the Elk River Corridor Trail. Bicycles must stay on the trail at all times.
- Motorized access is not allowed.
- Equestrian use is not allowed.
- Discharge or use of firearms (including bows) is not allowed.
- Hunting is not allowed.
- Campfires, camp stoves, grills, or fireworks are not allowed.
- Swimming is not allowed.
- Vegetation Gathering is not allowed.
- To avoid attracting predators, such as crows, ravens, or jays, to sensitive wildlife areas, pack out ALL trash including banana peels, orange peels, and apple cores.
Rules and Regulations
The Reserve is open from sunrise to sunset for day use only. Camping is not allowed. Entry on the southern end of the Reserve is by guided hike only, May 15 through November 15, depending on weather. All other times, public access to the southern end of the Reserve is not allowed. -
Elk River Trailhead: From the north take 101 South to
the Herrick Avenue exit and continue left on Herrick Ave
over the freeway. Turn right onto Elk River Road, drive 1.6
miles, and take another right to stay on Elk River Road.
Continue 4.2 miles to the signed parking area and trailhead.
From the south take 101 North to the Elk River Road exit
and turn right onto Herrick Avenue. Take your first right
onto Elk River Road and follow the directions above.
Salmon Pass Trailhead: Located near Fortuna, this
seasonal trail can be accessed by participating in
reservation-only, docent-guided hikes.Elk River Trail and the Headwaters Education Center (north end)
The Elk River Trailhead (north end) is open year round. Parking is available at the trailhead parking lot. The Headwaters Education Center, open for special events on Sundays from June through August, is located approximately 0.5 miles from the Elk River Trailhead. Park at the trailhead and hike, bike, roll, or stroll the short distance to the Education Center.
Trail Information: The first 3 miles follow a narrow stream corridor of public land that parallels the South Fork Elk River. The first mile is paved and accessible for those with limited mobility. Bicycles and dogs (under owner’s control) are allowed on the first 3 miles.
The last 2 ½ miles wind beneath a closed tree canopy, ending at a small old-growth redwood grove. Please stay on the trail to avoid trespassing and to protect the area’s natural resources.
Distance: It is 5 miles to the old-growth ½ mile through the old growth loop, and 11 miles round-trip.
Difficulty : The first 3 miles traverse moderate terrain adjacent to the river. The remaining 2 ½ miles are moderately strenuous. Plan 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours for the first 3 miles and 2 to 2 ½ hours for the last 2 ½ miles.
Salmon Pass Trail (south end)
The seasonal Salmon Pass Trail (south end) is accessible for reservation-only guided hikes. Guided hikes can be scheduled between May 15 and November 15.
How to get there: The Salmon Pass Trail is located in the southern part of the Headwaters Forest Reserve, and is accessible only through BLM led guided hikes. This trail is located near the city of Fortuna.
Trail Information: The first ½ mile passes through a young to mid-aged forest with views of restored watershed areas. The next 2 miles ascend through the old-growth redwood forest with a view across Salmon Creek to the largest stand of Douglas-fir within the Reserve. The trail then loops back as it descends through the old-growth.
Distance and difficulty: This 3 mile hike is considered moderately strenuous and takes 3 to 4 hours
History and Culture
The area that is now the Headwaters Forest Reserve has a rich history of human occupation. A bustling mill town called Falk was located a mile from the Elk River Trail parking lot from 1884-1937. It became a ghost town for 20 years until the buildings were razed in 1979. Remnants of the town such as the Headwaters Education Center and the one mile Elk River Interpretive Trail give the visitors and opportunity to go back in time.
Check out Falk: A Town Disappeared. This film was produced by Ethan Cardoza, a student in the Humboldt State University Film Program. It provides an excellent overview of the town of Falk and Headwaters.
Caption: Falk Mill and Mill Yard, 1897. Photo Courtesy of BLM Headwaters Activism
The area now known as the Headwaters Forest Reserve was the site of widespread public protests from 1986 through 1999. Political activists and community members from the northern California region held rallies and pressured political officials to "Save Headwaters" from ongoing logging activities in the area. These efforts culminated in the acquisition by the federal government and the State of California of 7,472 acres in 1999. This land is now the Headwaters Forest Reserve.
Caption: Headwaters Rally, 1997. Photo by Mark Bult