All Events & Meetings


BLM announces May 2025 oil and gas lease sale in Utah

The BLM Utah State Office has announced a May 13, 2025, oil and gas lease sale for two parcels totaling 833 acres, opening a public protest period through January 17, 2025.

BLM to hold April 2025 geothermal lease sale in Utah

BLM Utah will hold an online geothermal lease sale via EnergyNet on April 8, 2025, offering 15 parcels (50,813 acres) in Beaver, Iron, and Sevier counties to support renewable energy and local revenue.
Idaho, Boise DO

Wild horses to be offered for adoption during Idaho Horse Expo

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in partnership with the University of Idaho Extension 4-H program, will offer wild horse weanlings for adoption during the Idaho Horse Expo April 4 - 6, 2025
Eastern States, Southeastern States DO

March 20-22: Wild horse and burro adoption event in Liberty, Kentucky

The Bureau of Land Management will host a wild horse and burro placement event March 20-22, 2025, at the Central KY Ag/Expo Center in Liberty, Kentucky.
Nevada, Battle Mountain DO

March 18: BLM announces March 2025 oil and gas lease sale in Nevada

The BLM Nevada State Office has announced a March 18, 2025, oil and gas lease sale for 12 parcels totaling 23,202 acres, opening a public protest period through February 16, 2025.

March 7-8: BLM looking for good homes for burros during Wild Horse and Burro Awareness Week event in Las Vegas

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking good homes for wild burros during a “Burro Palooza” adoption and sale event in Las Vegas, Nevada.

March 4-5: BLM looking for good homes for burros during Wild Horse and Burro Awareness Week event in Willcox

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking good homes for wild burros during a “Burro Palooza” adoption and sale event in Willcox, Arizona.

March 1-2: BLM looking for good homes for burros during Wild Horse and Burro Awareness Week event in Marana

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking good homes for wild burros during a “Burro Palooza” adoption and sale event in Marana, Arizona.
New Mexico, Oklahoma FO

Head out to the wild horse and burro event in Seguin, Texas

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will hold a two-day wild horse and burro event in Seguin, Texas, Feb. 21-22, at the Seguin Events Center.
Eastern States, Southeastern States DO

February 20-22: Wild horse adoption event in West Columbia, South Carolina

The BLM will host a wild horse and burro placement event, offering a limited number of excess animals gathered from western rangelands, February 20-22, 2025, at the South Congaree Arena in West Columbia, SC

BLM seeks public input on OHV grant proposals in central California

The Bureau of Land Management Central California District is hosting virtual public and stakeholder meetings to gather input on the development of off-highway vehicle grant proposals for submission to the California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division. Grants support off-highway vehicle management activities, including visitor services, law enforcement, resource protection, planning and monitoring, and maintenance on BLM-managed public lands.