Big Cedar Ridge Junior Ranger Book

Big Cedar Ridge Fossil Plant Area is located in northern Wyoming’s Bighorn Basin and is known for its abundant plant fossils. Seventy-three million years ago, a mudflow of volcanic ash suddenly entombed the entire landscape around what is now Big Cedar Ridge. The plants were fossilized where they were growing by many layers of sediment. Scientists have found these buried plants and learned what the area looked like during the time of the dinosaurs. In the past 20 years, scientists have identified over 175 new plant species and have been able to distinguish at least five different types of insects that fed on the plants at Big Cedar Ridge.
Young scientists can now learn more about the area thanks to BLM Wyoming’s new Junior Ranger book “Big Cedar Ridge Fossil Plant Area.”
The book highlights the site and offers students various activities teaching them about the area, fossils, and what it takes to be a paleontologist.
Wyoming Regional Paleontologist Brent Breithaupt said, “This book was an excellent collaborative project, which highlights a unique, world-famous fossil site in northern Wyoming.”
“I wanted an activity book that students could take with them when they visit the site, or download it and learn about the area at home,” said Marit Bovee, BLM archaeologist and paleontology coordinator.
Bovee is also responsible for working on the interpretive signs that were installed. She is interested in helping others learn about the importance of the area. The area is a popular destination for local school groups and the new activity book will be a good resource for teachers.