Riparian Area Management: Procedures for Ecological Site Inventory with Special Reference to Riparian-Wetland Sites


BLM Technical Reference 1737-7 

The purpose of this technical reference is to detail field procedures for describing and documenting ecological site information as it applies to the interaction between soils, climate, hydrology, and vegetation for riparian-wetland resources and uplands. Possible uses of this information in BLM’s planning process, resource evaluations, and other applications are discussed. Maintenance and permanence of baseline data are also incorporated. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with, not as a replacement for, guidance provided in the National Range Handbook Manual H-4410-1, National Range Handbook, National Soils Handbook (USDA, 1983), Soil Survey Manual (USDA, in press) and appropriate technical references.

Publication Date




Collection: BLM Library
Category: Technical Reference


Wetlands and Riparian