Toolik Lake Research Natural Area/ACEC Rare Plant Inventory, 2002 Annual Report

The Bureau of Land Management-Alaska Northern Field Office and the University of Alaska Museum Herbarium entered into an agreement to search for rare plants in the Toolik and Galbraith Lake Areas of Environmental Concern (ACEC) in the northern foothills of Alaska’s Brooks Range. The information gathered in this project will enable the Bureau of Land Management to address management issues concerning the conservation of rare plant species that occur on these lands.
Claytoniella bostockii (A. E. Pors.) Jurtz (Portulaceae) [ = Montia bostockii (A. E. Pors. ) Welsh] was found during the inventory in the Toolik Lake ACEC. In addition, the inventory revealed that this plant is more common in the area than previously thought. C. bostockii was found in several vegetation complexes, but most frequently in the Moist and Dry Nonacidic Tundra complexes.