A Statistical Analysis and Summary of Radar-Interpreted Arctic Lake Depths: An Addendum to 12 Map Products

All resolvable (>I0 ha) lakes on 12 U. S. Geological Survey 1:250,000 scale quadrangles covering the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska have been mapped to depict three depth ranges. The ranges were mapped by delineating the -1.6m and -4m radar-interpreted isobaths. After a well-trained individual interpreted depths on all 12 quadrangles, fathometer transects were acquired on 157 field verification lakes for statistical comparison with radar-interpreted lake depths. Lakes depicting the -1.6rn radar-interpreted isobath were verified in 99 percent of the 109 test lakes sounded by fathometer. Mean horizontal displacement of the confirmed. -1.6m radar isobaths from the fathometer-determined 1.6m depth was 62m (predominantly shoreward). Lakes with interpreted depths >-4m were verified in only 63 percent of the 27 test lakes sounded by fathometer. Mean horizontal displacement of the confirmed -4m radar interpreted isobaths from the fathometer-determined 4m depth was 147m.