November 2004 BLM National Sage-Grouse Habitat Conservation Strategy

BLM developed this National Sage-grouse Habitat Conservation Strategy (National Sage-grouse Strategy) to guide future actions for conserving sage-grouse and associated sagebrush habitats and to enhance BLM’s ongoing conservation efforts. The National Sage-grouse Strategy provides a framework for future conservation efforts by setting out broad goals and specific actions to meet the goals. For each action that BLM will take, the National Sage-grouse Strategy explains what the action is, when the action will be taken and who will be the responsible official or office for completing the action. Integral to the National Sage-grouse Strategy are various guidance documents that will help BLM ensure that it successfully incorporates sage-grouse conservation measures into all of its ongoing programs and activities, including land use planning, grazing and mineral leasing, and other programs.