Northern and Southern Yukon MOA Earth Cover Classification

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) - Alaska and Ducks Unlimited, Inc. (DU) have been cooperatively mapping wetlands and associated uplands in Alaska using remote sensing and GIS technologies since 1988. The goal of this project was to continue the mapping effort by mapping the Northern and Southern portions of the Yukon Military Operations Areas (MOA). A Portion of one Landsat TM satellite scene (Path 67 Row 13 acquired 24 June 2000 shifted 35% North) was used to classify the Northern Yukon MOA project area into 34 earth cover categories. Portions of two Landsat TM satellite scenes (Path 66, Row 15 acquired 16 September 1995 and Path 68, Row 15 acquired 31 July 1999) were used to classify the Southern Yukon MOA project area into 31 earth cover categories. The path 66 and path 68 images were classified separately because of the large difference in image dates and season. The path 66 and path 68 earth cover classifications were mosaiced and edge-matched post-classification to produce a continuous earth cover map for the entire project area.
An unsupervised clustering technique was used to determine the location of field sites and a custom field data collection form and digital database were used to record field information. Helicopters were utilized to gain access to field sites throughout the project area. Global positioning system (GPS) technology was used both to navigate to pre-selected sites and to record the locations of new sites selected in the field. The Northern Yukon MOA project area is approximately 3.6 million acres and the Southern Yukon MOA project area is approximately 3.8 million acres. For the Northern Yukon MOA project area, a total of 396 sites were visited during a 2-day field season in 1999 and a 6-day field season in 2000. For the Southern Yukon MOA project area, a total of 320 field sites were visited during a 3-day field season in 1999 and a 5-day field season in 2000. Approximately 30% of these field sites were set aside for accuracy assessment. A modified supervised/unsupervised classification technique was performed to classify the satellite imagery. The classification scheme for the earth cover inventory was based on Viereck et al. (1992) and revised through a series of meetings coordinated by the BLM-Alaska and DU. The overall accuracy of the Northern Yukon mapping categories was 85.4% at the +/-5% level of variation. The overall accuracy of the Southern Yukon mapping categories was 90.9% at the +/-5% level of variation for the path 66 classification and 89.8% at the +/-5% level of variation for the path 68 classification.