Lentic Riparian-Wetland Area Prioritization Guide: A Process for Evaluating Management & Restoration Priorities for Non-Riverine Systems

The management and restoration of riparian-wetland areas across a landscape is most effectively accomplished by the use of a strategic prioritization process. This document provides a template for prioritizing lentic (non-riverine) sites and is designed to be used by offices to help organize and prioritize management and restoration efforts in lentic systems. This guide is intended to be used for prioritizing any riparian-wetland area other than a lotic (riverine) area. This prioritization guide is a simple refinement/modification of the process outlined in Technical Reference 1737-17 “A Guide to Managing, Restoring, and Conserving Springs in the Western United States.” The process described in this guide is specific to only the management and restoration prioritization process; TR 1737-17 provides an effective step by step outline that should be used for completing comprehensive management and restoration for these systems. Although 1737-17 is specific to springs and seeps, the prioritization process described therein is applicable to all lentic systems.
This guide provides specific direction for implementing Step 4 (page 28) in Chapter V. of 1737-17 – Spring Management Assessment and Priorities (using an evaluation guide to determine management priority among multiple spring systems); and Step 1 (identify historical condition, desired condition, and restoration priority – page 33 in Chapter VI of 1737-17 – Spring Restoration). This process is the next logical step to be taken following the completion of (or during) a Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) assessment of the site.