BLM Utah West Desert District Donates Water Tender to North Tooele Fire District

The BLM Utah West Desert District fire management program donated a wildland water tender to the North Tooele Fire District. This donation is part of the Rural Fire Readiness program. BLM’s West Desert District Manager Mike Gates handed over the keys of a 2001 Freightliner FL 112 to North Tooele Fire District Chief Kevin Nunn.

WDD manager Mike Gates shakes hands with NTFD Chief Kevin Nunn in from of the water tender
WDD manager Mike Gates shakes hands with NTFD Chief Kevin Nunn in front of the recently transferred water tender

“This community here in North Tooele, the BLM land is right out their back door,” said West Desert District Manager Mike Gates. “Many of the fires they’ll be fighting will be on BLM land…this helps them to approach that with what they need to fight those fires.”


Rep. Celeste Maloy, R-UT speaks at the NTFD pushback ceremony. She stands at a podium and behind her is the water tender to be transferred as well as an American flag and a Utah state flag.
Rep. Celeste Maloy, R-UT, joined and gave words at the ceremony.

The Rural Fire Readiness program simplifies the process for BLM to transfer surplus firefighting equipment to local partners. This equipment is crucial in supporting BLM’s wildland fire mission.

Wildland firefighting is a collaborative effort. Our partnerships with local, volunteer, and rural fire departments are essential for effective wildfire response across private, state, and federal lands. The NTFD has been a reliable ally for the BLM West Desert District in wildfire suppression. Often, these volunteers are the first on the scene, enabling quicker response times and better control of fire incidents.

The NTFD emblem takes its new place on the water tender
The NTFD emblem takes its new place on the water tender

“There’s no hydrants in the west desert, there’s no hydrants along I-80, we’ve got to truck in water,” said NTFD Fire Chief Kevin Nunn. “Without being able to move large quantities of water, we’re out there digging dirt, or sitting out there watching the fire, which is really frustrating when you don’t have enough water.”

The addition of the new water tender will significantly enhance the NTFD's ability to suppress wildfires. Prior to this transfer, the fire district had only one water tender, which lacked off-road capability, limiting their ability to respond to wildland fires. The new off-road capable water tender will enable NTFD to respond more swiftly and efficiently to wildland fires, providing greater protection to the local community.

Ceremony attendees pose for a group photo in front of the water tender
Ceremony attendees pose for a group photo in front of the water tender

Recently, Holden Fire Department also received free equipment from the BLM through the RFR program. Crew members took ownership of a Ford F-550 Super Duty Type 6 Engine, which will greatly enhance their incident response capabilities. During this cycle, the BLM was able to transfer approximately 50 portable radios, along with the fire engine and water tender across 11 local fire departments throughout the state.

For more information about how to apply for equipment through the RFR program, go to NIFC - Rural Fire Readiness Program | BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT (, or contact your local BLM Fire District.

BLM Utah, public affairs

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