HELP WANTED : Seeking public comment on sage-grouse management

On March 15, 2024, the BLM published the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for greater sage-grouse rangewide planning. The 90-day public comment period is open through June 13th. 

Expressing your thoughts in your own way helps us understand the unique points of view that comprise the public interest.

Commenting on draft environmental analysis and the proposed range of alternatives is more than just casting a vote for one alternative or another. In developing a final EIS and amendments to the 2015 habitat management plans, we have to rely on the best available information relating to the alternatives, not the number of comments we receive. 

For this reason, it's better to avoid using form letters or petition signatures to convey your comment. Multiple submissions that express the same concern in the same form or that use identical wording are considered one single comment. 

magenta paintbrush intermixed with multi-story sagebrush
Sagebrush and magenta paintbrush | BLM-Wyoming

Comments that contain new, relevant information with sufficient detail are the most useful.

These are substantive comments, and they do one or more of the following: 

  • question with a reasonable basis the accuracy or adequacy of the information in the draft EIS, 
  • question with a reasonable basis the methodology or assumptions used for the environmental analysis, 
  • present reasonable alternatives other than those analyzed in the draft EIS, 
  • provide information that will result in changes or revisions to one or more of the alternatives. 
statef4ts_lekcount-Steens Mtn BLM-Oregon flickr
The current draft EIS and range of alternatives consider updates to 77 resource management plans
with flexibility to address specific conditions on the ground. | BLM-Oregon/Washington

Substantive comments give us something on which to act. 
  • Can you point to the section or page number in the draft EIS where you believe there is an error or omission that affects the analysis? 
  • Can you recommend a solution or correction, or point to additional documentation or supporting information? 
  • Can you provide first-hand knowledge, experience or evidence related to your observations or recommendation? 
side-by-side example of a helpful and unhelpful public comment
Substantive comments lead to consistent management that also recognizes local needs.

Commenting on proposed actions is a way to participate in decision-making by the executive branch of government.

This helps agencies like the BLM meet our responsibilities for acting in the public interest in this case, strengthening efforts to conserve greater sage-grouse habitat while continuing responsible uses of public lands. 

a worker carries a tray of sagebrush seedlings in a greenhouse
The BLM and U.S. Forest Service raise sagebrush seedlings in
greenhouses for habitat restoration projects. | BLM / Peggy Olwell

GET INVOLVED | Review and comment on the draft environmental analysis of proposed options for protecting greater sage-grouse habtiat on BLM-managed public lands. The public comment period is open through June 13, 2024. 


Story by:

Heather Feeney, Public Affairs Specialist

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