We're back to work

We're ready to jump back into our work of managing 245 million acres of our nation's public lands for the American public! On behalf of our 9,000 employees - as well as the thousands of partners, contractors and volunteers who help fulfill our mission and manage public lands every day, THANK YOU for your patience and support during the recent shutdown. We are working on assessing the impact of the recent lapse in appropriations on our current operations and pending actions and decisions. Please stay tuned - we will provide further information as soon as possible regarding any operational changes, extensions and modifications of public comment periods, rulemakings, permits and other issues as soon as possible.

If you plan to visit BLM-managed public lands soon, please check in with your local BLM office for information on accessibility and services at blm.gov/contact. And thank you in advance for practicing #LeaveNoTrace on public lands everywhere - these outdoor ethics principles are essential in managing public land for present and future generations.

We are excited to continue working together to help you and all Americans enjoy your public lands, and to continue contributing to the economies of local communities nationwide by managing public resources sustainably.

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