Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni — Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon Monument Advisory Committee Charter






1. OFFICIAL DESIGNATION: Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni-Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument Advisory Committee (Committee).

2. AUTHORITY: This Committee is established pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 10606, "Establishment of the Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni-Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument" (Monument) (August 8, 2023) and is consistent with section 309 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, as amended ( 43 U.S.C. § 1739); the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. § 1600); section 14 of the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (16 U.S.C. § 472a); the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. § 1131); and all other applicable provisions of law. The Committee is operated pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. Ch. 10), and the Federal Advisory Committee Management regulations found at 41 CFR Part 102-3. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is subject to regulations, found at 43 C.F.R. subpart 1784, that govern the creation, operation, and termination of BLM advisory councils. The Committee is continued under Executive Order 14109, titled "Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees and Amendments to Other Executive Orders," issued September 29, 2023.

3. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES: The Committee will provide information and advice regarding the development of the management plan and, as appropriate, management of the Monument.

4. DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Upon the request of the Designated Federal Officer (DFO), provide information and advice regarding the development of the Monument's management plan, and as appropriate, management of the Monument.

5. OFFICIAL TO WHOM THE COMMITTEE REPORTS: The Committee provides advice to the Secretary of the Interior, through the Director of BLM, and to the Secretary of Agriculture, through the Chief of the Forest Service.

6. SUPPORT: Administrative support and funding for activities of the Committee will be provided by the Bureau of Land Management.

7. ESTIMATED ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS AND STAFF YEARS: The annual operating costs associated with supporting the Committee's activities are estimated to be $50,000, including all direct and indirect expenses and 0.30 Federal staff years support.

8. DESIGNATED FEDERAL OFFICER: The DFO is the BLM Arizona Strip District Manager, who is a full time Federal employee appointed in accordance with Agency procedures. The DFO will approve or call all Committee and subcommittee meetings, prepare and approve all meeting agendas, attend all Committee and subcommittee meetings, adjourn any meeting when the DFO determines adjournment to be in the public interest, and chair meetings when directed to do so by the Secretary of the lnterior.

two to four times annually, and at such other times as designated by the DFO.

10. DURATION: The need for this Committee is continuing, subject to the termination section below.

11. TERMINATION: Unless continued by the President, the Committee will terminate on September 30, 2025, consistent with Executive Order 14109. The Committee will not meet or take any action without a valid current charter.

12. MEMBERSHIP AND DESIGNATION: The Committee will consist of 15 representatives to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture, as follows:

a) A representative of the Arizona Game and Fish Department;
b) A representative employed by a State agency;
c) An elected official from local government;
d) Three representatives of Tribal Nations;
e) A representative of developed outdoor recreation, off-highway vehicle users, or
commercial recreation activities in the Monument;
f) A representative of the conservation community;
g) A representative of wildlife, hunting, or fishing organizations;
h) A representative of cultural or historical interests;
i) A representative of the scientific community;
j) A representative of the ranching community;
k) A representative of local business owners; and
l) Two representatives of the public-at-large.

Representatives will be appointed to the Committee to serve 3-year staggered terms. All representatives serve at the discretion of either the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture. A quorum is achieved when a majority of representatives are present.

13. ETHICS RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS: No Committee or subcommittee member will participate in any Committee or subcommittee deliberations or votes relating to a specific party matter before the Department or its bureaus and offices including a lease, license, permit, contract, grant, claim, agreement, or litigation, in which the member or the entity the member represents has a direct financial interest. As provided in 43 C.F.R. 1784.2-2, members of the Committee shall be required to disclose their direct or indirect interest in leases, licenses, permits, contracts, or claims that involve lands or resources administered by BLM, or in any litigation related thereto. For the purpose of this paragraph, indirect interest includes holdings of a spouse or dependent child.

14. SUBCOMMITTEES: Subject to the DFO's approval, subcommittees may be formed for the purposes of compiling information or conducting research. However, such subcommittees must act only under the direction of the DFO and must report their recommendations to the full Committee for consideration. Subcommittees must not provide advice or work products directly to the Agency. Subcommittees will meet as necessary to accomplish their assignments, subject to the approval of the DFO and the availability of resources.

15. RECORDKEEPING: Detailed records must be kept of each Committee and formally established subcommittees. All records must be made available to the public subject to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552) and must be handled in accordance with General Records Schedule 6.2 and other approved Agency records disposition schedules.

16. FILING DATE: September 9, 2024

Signed by the Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland on Aug. 20, 2024.

Publication Date


Arizona Strip DO


Collection: Public Room, RAC
Category: Strategic Plan


Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni - Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument
Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni MAC