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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Colorado, Little Snake FO

BLM seasonal closures in northwest Colorado

BLM seasonal closures in northwest Colorado
Colorado, Colorado River Valley FO

Forest Service, BLM seek comments on pipeline proposal south of Rifle

The White River National Forest and Bureau of Land Management Colorado River Valley Field Office seek public comments on the West Mamm Creek Pipeline Project Draft Environmental Assessment, which analyzes a proposal for approximately seven miles of new natural gas and produced water pipelines south of Rifle.
Colorado, Grand Junction FO

Prescribed Fire: Wildland firefighters to burn slash piles in Mesa County

Fire managers with the Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire Management Unit plan to burn slash piles in Mesa County now through April 2025. Firefighters will only burn the piles if conditions are ideal for a safe, effective burn, as well as for good smoke dispersal. Smoke may be visible in surrounding areas during burning operations and days following as the piles smolder.
Colorado, Uncompahgre FO

Seasonal closures in Uncompahgre Field Office begin December 1

Annual winter closures in the Uncompahgre Field Office begin December 1 to prevent road and trail damage and reduce stress to wintering wildlife.
Colorado, Colorado River Valley FO

BLM announces seasonal closures to protect wintering wildlife

The Bureau of Land Management Grand Junction and Colorado River Valley Field Offices will begin winter closures Dec. 1. These seasonal closures protect wildlife and natural resources and reduce damage to roads.
Colorado, Tres Rios FO

Seasonal wildlife closures in Tres Rios Field Office begin December 1

Annual seasonal wildlife closures begin December 1 for BLM-administered public lands in the Durango area of the Tres Rios Field Office and remain in effect through April 30 to protect wintering mule deer and elk.
Colorado, Southwest DO

BLM Colorado offers personal use permits to harvest Christmas trees, firewood

The Bureau of Land Management is now offering permits to cut Christmas trees on specified public lands across Colorado until Dec. 24 either online or at most BLM field offices. 
Colorado, Grand Junction FO

BLM, Mesa County project upgrades well-traveled portion of 18 Road

The Bureau of Land Management and Mesa County are working with the Federal Highway Administration on a project to reconstruct and pave about six miles of 18 Road to improve public safety and access to the North Fruita Desert Special Recreation Management Area.
Colorado, Uncompahgre FO

BLM establishes new recreation fees for the Uncompahgre Field Office

The BLM has approved a business plan to assess an expanded amenity fee at developed campgrounds in the Uncompahgre Field Office beginning May 21, 2025.

BLM seeks initial input for September 2025 oil and gas lease sale in Colorado

The Bureau of Land Management Colorado State Office today opened a 30-day public scoping period to receive public input on 13 oil and gas parcels totaling 12,115 acres that may be included in a September 2025 lease sale.
Colorado, White River FO

BLM plans to burn slash piles across northwest Colorado this winter

BLM plans to burn slash piles across northwest Colorado this winter