
Find out what's happening in your local community. Use the map or the search and filter below to read BLM Announcements by region.
Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
New Mexico, Socorro FO

February 29-March 2: BLM initiates prescribed burns in Socorro County

Socorro, N.M. - Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Socorro Field Office, in cooperation with private landowners, are schedule to burn draws of sacaton grass Feb.

New Mexico, Las Cruces DO

BLM Las Cruces District seeks applicants for Artist-in-Residence Program

WHO: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Las Cruces District and the Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks

Montana-Dakotas, Eastern Montana/Dakotas DO

BLM seeks public comment for July 2024 oil and gas lease sale in Montana and North Dakota

BILLINGS, Mont.  The Bureau of Land Management Montana-Dakotas State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on 27 oil and gas parcels to

Colorado, Royal Gorge FO

Notice of Intent To Establish Recreation Fee Areas and Collect Fees on Public Lands in Chaffee and Fremont Counties, CO

Pursuant to the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Royal Gorge Field Office intends to establish fee areas and to collect fees at Turtle Rock Campground, Burmac Camping Area, Shavano Camping Area, CR304 Camping Area, Browns Grotto Camping Area, Penrose Commons, Sand Gulch Campground, and The Bank Campground in Fremont and Chaffee counties, Colorado.
Utah, Price FO

BLM releases preliminary documents for the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan

The Bureau of Land Management’s Price Field Office published preliminary documents that are foundational to our efforts to improve the travel network for motorized vehicles in the San Rafael Swell area in central Utah.
New Mexico, Las Cruces DO

BLM plans prescribed fires in Otero County to reduce hazardous fuels


Utah, Paria River DO

Update: Construction timeline shifts for Whitehouse Road Improvement Project

Update from previous news release published Feb. 6, 2024

New Mexico, Socorro FO

BLM Plans Prescribed Burn in Socorro County


New Mexico, Farmington FO

BLM seeks comment on additional analysis of 2020 oil & gas lease sales in New Mexico

SANTA FE, N.M.The Bureau of Land M

National Office

BLM seeks comment on mine permitting metrics

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law directs Bureau to update processes to support critical mineral development