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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
New Mexico

BLM seeks public comment for November 2024 oil and gas lease sale in Kansas

The Bureau of Land Management New Mexico State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on four oil and gas parcels lease sale in Kansas.
Nevada, Tonopah FO

BLM seeks public comment on three proposed solar projects near Coaldale

The Bureau of Land Management is holding a virtual public meeting on May 30, 2024, to share information and receive public input on three applications for solar and energy storage projects.
California, Needles FO

La recompensa por información sobre la matanza de burros salvajes en California aumentó a $36,000

Socios se unen a la BLM para ofrecer la recompensa
Utah, Richfield FO

Discover dinosaurs: Free tours are back at BLM's Hanksville-Burpee Dinosaur Quarry

Free guided tour of the Hanksville-Burpee Dinosaur Quarry will be available during the weeks of May 13, May 20, June 3, June 10, and June 17, 2024.
California, Needles FO

Reward for information on California wild burro killings increased to $36,000

Partners join BLM in offering reward
Utah, Monticello FO

BLM issues decision on challenged 2018 oil and gas leases in Utah

The BLM announced a decision to reaffirm three oil and gas leases in San Juan County following a legal challenge & agreement to reconsider 28 leases from BLM’s March and Dec. 2018 competitive oil & gas lease sales.


BLM invites public to Idaho Resource Advisory Council spring meeting and field tour

The public is invited to join the Idaho Resource Advisory Council (RAC) on a field tour of BLM managed recreation sites on Tuesday, May 14, from 8:15 a.m. Pacific Time (PT) to approximately 4 p.m.
Cottonwood FO

Repair work and improvements to BLM’s Eagle Creek Road continue

Work to repair numerous road washouts and damage continues on the Eagle Creek Road in Nez Perce County’s Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area.
Nevada, Humboldt River FO

Humboldt River Field Office has initiated a public scoping period on the Blue Wing Complex Herd Management Area Plan

The Humboldt River Field Office is developing a Herd Management Area Plan (HMAP) for the Blue Wing Complex. A 30-day public scoping period will begin on May 2, 2024, and will end at 11:59 PM PST on June 1, 2024.

Sheep to arrive at Cronan & Magnolia Ranch to graze on invasive plants and reduce wildfire threat

EL DORADO HILLS, Calif. – A flock of nearly 900 sheep will arrive in early May at the Bureau of Land Management’s Cronan Ranch, and a flock of nearly 600 sheep will arrive in mid-May at Magnolia Ranch, to graze invasive weeds and reduce wildfire threat. Sheep herders will manage the flocks, moving them across the grassy slopes and meadows with assistance from herding dogs and livestock protection dogs. The sheep will be grazing behind temporary fencing to allow the sheep herder to keep the sheep in an area long enough to have the vegetation uniformly grazed and/or trampled down.
Oregon-Washington, Northwest Oregon

Whittaker Creek and Clay Creek campgrounds to remain closed for 2024 season, Bureau of Land Management announces

Whittaker Creek and Clay Creek campgrounds will remain closed at the start of the 2024 season due to low staffing and the lack of campground host volunteers.