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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Oregon-Washington, Spokane DO

BLM officials increase fire restrictions in Eastern Washington

Fire officials from the Spokane District have acted in response to dangerous fire conditions across Eastern Washington. Additional public use restrictions are now in effect on lands administered by the BLM and BOR.
Oregon-Washington, Vale DO

Vale Bureau of Land Management enacting fire restrictions July 12

To help prevent human-caused wildfires on public lands, Vale District Bureau of Land Management will be implementing additional fire restrictions beginning Friday, July 12.

White Mountains National Recreation Area reopens due to reduced wildfire activity from the Globe Fire

Fire closure order rescinded. Public access restored to popular trails and cabins near Wickersham Dome .
California, Northern California DO

BLM announces seasonal fire restrictions for lands managed by Redding Field Office

REDDING, Calif. – The Bureau of Land Management is issuing fire restrictions for public lands managed by the Redding Field Office in Shasta, Tehama, Butte, Siskiyou and Trinity counties beginning Wednesday, July 10. These seasonal fire restrictions listed in the fire order will be in place to help prevent wildfire and will remain in effect until further notice. These restrictions are in addition to the BLM year-round statewide fire prevention order.

Deer Springs Fire: Incident Update, July 9, 2024

KANAB, Utah — Crews on the Deer Springs Fire are continuing fire line construction to the south and containing any smaller fires that migrated off the rim. For more information, see attached fact sheet.
Oregon-Washington, Vale DO

BLM Southeast Oregon Resource Advisory Council Announces August Meeting

The BLM’s Southeast Oregon Resource Advisory Council will meet virtually on Monday, August 12, 2024, from 9 a.m. to noon Pacific Daylight Time (PT). The public is welcome to attend the virtual meeting.

Deer Springs Fire Incident: Evening Update for July 8, 2024

KANAB, Utah — Today’s suppression tactics focused on the north side of fire to keep away from community of Deer Springs. For more information, see attached fact sheet.
Oregon-Washington, Northwest Oregon

Bureau of Land Management issues fire restrictions for Northwest Oregon District

On July 8th, fire restrictions will go into effect for all Bureau of Land Management public lands throughout the Northwest Oregon District.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

Campfires Restricted on Wild Portion of Lower Rogue River Beginning July 9

With the record-breaking heat and increasingly dry conditions, officials with the BLM Medford District are prohibiting campfire use on the Wild section of the Rogue National Wild and Scenic River.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

Extreme Fire Danger on Public Lands in Medford District

Due to recent high temperatures and increasing fire danger, Bureau of Land Management Medford District officials are implementing additional public use restrictions on BLM-managed lands in southern Oregon.
Wyoming, High Plains DO

BLM issues fire restrictions for Campbell, Sheridan counties

Due to dry conditions and high fire danger, the Bureau of Land Management is placing Stage 1 fire restrictions on BLM-administered public lands in Campbell and Sheridan counties beginning July 9.