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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
New Mexico, Oklahoma FO

Subasta de arrendamiento de petróleo y gas de la BLM en Texas obtiene una ganancia neta de $61,044,916

BLM en Nuevo México realizó hoy una subasta competitiva de arrendamiento de petróleo y gas . En total, cuatro parcelas que abarcan un área de 6,972 acres se vendieron por $61,044,916.
New Mexico, Oklahoma FO

BLM holds August 2024 sale for Texas oil and gas leases

The BLM New Mexico State Office held a competitive oil and gas lease sale, offering four parcels covering 6,972 acres in Texas. A total of $61,044,916 in high bids were received.

BLM California welcomes new State Director Joe Stout

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — New State Director Joe Stout has joined the Bureau of Land Management in California. Stout started his new position on August 12.
Oregon-Washington, Prineville DO

Fire Closure changes for Lone Rock and Battle Mountain Complex Wildfires

The Bureau of Land Management Prineville District has amended a temporary closure of BLM public lands due to changes in fire activity associated with the Lone Rock and Battle Mountain Complex Fires.

BLM offers Pinedale Anticline annual planning documents online

In lieu of an in-person meeting, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Pinedale Field Office has made Pinedale Anticline Project Area planning updates available online.

BLM lifts emergency fire closure at Creek Campground, the Pacific Crest Trail, and Canebrake Road; Closures remain at Long Valley Campground and Long Valley Loop road

The Bureau of Land Management Bakersfield Office is lifting the emergency closure of the Creek Campground, a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail, and Canebrake Road in Tulare County. The closures were in place for public and firefighter safety in relation to the management of the SQF Lightning Complex Fire and are no longer necessary due to the lack of fire progression. The closures are lifted as of Tues., Aug. 13. Long Valley Campground and Long Valley Loop road remain closed.

BLM announces October 2024 oil and gas lease sale in North Dakota

The Bureau of Land Management Montana-Dakotas State Office today announced an oil and gas lease sale scheduled for October 22, 2024.
Colorado, Uncompahgre FO

BLM proposes new recreation fees for the Uncompahgre Field Office

The Uncompahgre Field Office is seeking public comments through September 16 on proposed new recreation fees for eight developed campgrounds and eight day use sites.
Arizona, Safford FO

BLM announces temporary maintenance closure of natural hot tubs in Hot Well Dunes Recreation Area

The Hot Well Dunes Recreation Area hot tubs will be closed from August 19 through August 22, 2024.
Nevada, Carson City DO

Bureau of Land Management to begin the FY2024 Marietta Herd Management Area Wild Horse and Burro Gather

On or about August 20, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management plans to begin a wild horse and burro gather on and around the Marietta Herd Management Area.
Wyoming, Lander FO

BLM and partners work to control cheatgrass across Wind River/Bighorn Basin District

BLM and local weed and pest districts will aerially spray cheatgrass in Bighorn, Fremont, Hot Springs, Park and Washakie counties through mid-September.