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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
New Mexico, Rio Puerco FO

BLM, Pueblo of Acoma sign co-stewardship agreement for ancestral lands

The Bureau of Land Management and Pueblo of Acoma signed a co-stewardship agreement to protect the Pueblo’s traditional, religious, and cultural interests on public lands.
New Mexico, Rio Puerco FO

BLM seeks input for proposed $1 fee increase at Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposal to increase the standard amenity fee at Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.
New Mexico, Farmington FO

BLM seeks input on updated analysis for 2019 oil and gas lease sales in New Mexico

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on the updated analysis for oil and gas parcels offered in the March and June 2019 lease sales.
New Mexico, Las Cruces DO

BLM announces geothermal lease sale results in New Mexico

The Bureau of Land Management today held a competitive geothermal lease sale, offering seven parcels totaling 4,468 acres in Doña Ana County. All seven parcels sold for $66,493.
New Mexico, Carlsbad FO

BLM seeks input on proposed land sale to Eddy County

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on a proposed noncompetitive direct land sale of nearly 200 acres of public lands east of Carlsbad to Eddy County.
New Mexico, Las Cruces DO

BLM announces holiday closures at Dripping Springs Natural Area

The Dripping Springs Natural Area, including the visitor center, picnic sites and all the hiking trails within the area, will be closed to visitors on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
New Mexico, Albuquerque DO

BLM plans pile burns in Socorro, Sandoval and Catron counties

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to burn piles of juniper, piñon and salt cedar slash in Socorro, Sandoval and Catron counties. Weather permitting, the burns will take place between now and Feb. 28, 2025. 
New Mexico

BLM oil and gas lease sale in Kansas received no bids

The Bureau of Land Management New Mexico State Office today conducted a competitive oil and gas lease sale offering 4 parcels covering 1,324 acres in Kansas. The BLM received no bids for this lease sale
New Mexico, Taos FO

BLM Taos Field Office plans prescribed pile burns near Cerro

Beginning Dec. 9, 2024, and continuing through the winter, the BLM will be conducting prescribed pile burn operations near Cerro, N.M. The unit will be 133 acres in size.
New Mexico

BLM selling Christmas trees in New Mexico

BLM offices will begin selling personal Christmas tree permits for harvest of piñon and juniper.
New Mexico, Las Cruces DO

BLM hosts live auction for solar energy lease in New Mexico

The BLM held a live competitive auction for a 937.5-acre parcel for lease in the Afton Solar Energy Zone in Doña Ana County. Boulevard Associates, LLC was the successful bidder with a final bid of $1,900,000.