Shoreline restored at Hogan Reservoir near Cody
CODY, Wyo. – The BLM Wind River/Bighorn Basin District and Cody Field Office have completed a shoreline restoration project and other improvements at the Hogan and Luce Recreation Area north of Cody. The project, funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, addressed erosion issues along approximately 800 linear feet of shoreline. View photos of the project in our Flickr album.
Over the years, wind-driven waves eroded a stretch of Hogan Reservoir’s bank and exposed the root masses of large cottonwood trees that line the reservoir. Several large cottonwood trees fell in or near the campsites, posing a potential hazard to campers and campsites.
This fall, BLM engineers and heavy equipment operators resloped sections of the bank, laid down fill and a fabric liner, and topped it all off with riprap—a layer of large stones that protects soil from erosion. Additionally, a rock fishing pier was installed and newly disturbed areas between the campsites and the reservoir were seeded with a mix of native grasses, wildflowers and shrubs. Visitors are encouraged to park on the gravel to encourage successful reclamation of these areas.
“The shoreline restoration project made Hogan and Luce safer, and I think recreationists will enjoy the new rock pier and other improvements,” said Outdoor Recreation Planner Rick Tryder. “Thanks to everyone for their patience while these improvements were underway.”
The project has also saved the remaining cottonwoods along the shoreline from erosion. The trees provide anglers and campers with shade during hot summer days and provide perches for bald eagle and osprey that are often spotted hunting for fish in the reservoirs.
The Hogan and Luce Recreation Area is located 18 miles north of Cody off Wyoming State Highway 120. It was established in 1996 in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, Park County, Wyoming Game and Fish Department and Two Dot Ranch. Recreation at the site has greatly increased over the years. As a result, the BLM has made many improvements, including upgrades to meet ADA/ABA standards, making the site accessible to people with disabilities. Both reservoirs both provide excellent fishing opportunities.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, signed into law in November 2021, contains provisions that allow us to address deferred maintenance backlogs which benefit the communities we directly serve.
Learn more about visiting the Hogan and Luce Recreation Area or contact the Cody Field Office at 307-578-5900.
The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.