Missoula BLM to Acquire Land with Support from Land and Water Conservation Fund

Media Contact
David Abrams

MISSOULA, Mont.—The Bureau of Land Management’s Missoula Field Office is excited to announce its decision to move forward with acquiring the first parcel of land authorized under the Gold and Twin Creek Acquisition Environmental Assessment, made possible with support from the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

“This decision allows the BLM to take advantage of LWCF funding available this year to complete the first acquisition in this phase of the project,” said Erin Carey, Missoula Field Office Manager. “These funds hold the potential to enhance outdoor recreation, conservation efforts, and the overall enjoyment of our public lands. This is a promising step toward ensuring these lands are accessible to all Montanans.”

The BLM selected the Proposed Action (Alternative 2) in which the agency would acquire 3,264 acres of about 17,000 acres analyzed in the Gold and Twin Creek Acquisition Environmental Assessment.

Separate decisions will be forthcoming for each acquisition in the project area. The BLM anticipates closing on the Upper Gold Creek East Parcel within the next few months. Subsequent acquisitions in the project area depend on LWCF budgets and funding availability.

To view the Decision Record, Finding of No Significant Impact, and final Environmental Assessment along with other supporting documents visit the project’s ePlanning website at https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2031959/510.

A person adversely affected by this decision may appeal the decision to the Interior Board of Land Appeals within 30 calendar days of the date of this decision. Appeals should be addressed to the Missoula Field office, Attention: Erin Carey, 3255 Fort Missoula Road, Missoula, MT 59804.