Land of Umpqua Amateur Photo Contest Winners Announced!

Roseburg DO
Media Contact
Greg Deimel

Roseburg, Ore. - The Roseburg District, Bureau of Land Management announces the winners of the 2025 Land of Umpqua Amateur Photo Contest. Amateur photographers submitted a fantastic variety of photos featuring some of the most beautiful landscapes and wildlife on BLM and Forest Service managed lands from around the Umpqua.

Photos submitted by amateur photographers were grouped into themes including Seasons and Water & Waterfalls.

Congratulations to the winners in the following categories:

Seasons on Public Lands

  • 1st Place –Mushrooms, Robyn Wargo
  • 2nd Place –Red Top Pond, Ben Taylor
  • 3rd Place –Wolf Creek Falls, David Vangsness

Water and Waterfalls

  • 1st Place –Umpqua Watershed, Andrew Oltman
  • 2nd Place –Waterfall, Janina Young
  • 3rd Place –Middle Fork Coquille River Falls, Joe Ross

The winning photos are available to view at:

group of people standing near a table display
Bureau of Land Management and the Umpqua National Forest amateur photo contest display during the 29th Annual Sportsmen's & Outdoor Recreation Show. BLM photo by Greg Deimel.

The Roseburg District, Bureau of Land Management and the Umpqua National Forest hosted the photo contest as part of a multi-agency exhibit at the 29th Annual Sportsmen's & Outdoor Recreation Show held earlier this year. Winners receive prizes that can include free overnight stays at BLM and Forest Service campgrounds, as well as Smokey Bear themed items. For more information, contact Greg Deimel at 541-464-3258 or

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.