Dillon BLM releases Grasshopper Watershed Environmental Assessment

Western Montana DO
Media Contact
David Abrams

DILLON, Mont.— The Bureau of Land Management’s Dillon Field Office has released the Grasshopper Watershed Environmental Assessment, opening a public comment period that closes April 15.

The assessment reviews current livestock grazing management in the watershed, along with proposed changes to management (where needed), potential rangeland improvement projects, and vegetative management projects. The Grasshopper Watershed is in Beaverhead County and covers 118,978 acres of BLM-managed public land.

The environmental assessment can be found online on ePlanning at https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020076/510.

Comments may be made in writing and submitted to the Dillon Field Office at 1005 Selway Drive, or via email at MT_Dillon_FO@blm.gov.

Once the public comment period closes, the field office will consider the submitted comments during the decision-making process.

For more information about the Grasshopper Watershed Environmental Assessment, please call Kelly Savage at (406) 683-8028.