BLM seeks Western Oregon Resource Advisory Council members

Coos Bay DO
Lakeview DO
Medford DO
Northwest Oregon DO
Roseburg DO
Media Contact
Megan Harper

NORTH BEND, Ore. – The Bureau of Land Management is seeking citizens with an interest in public lands management to fill vacant positions on its Western Oregon Resource Advisory Council. Applications are due November 15, 2024.

The Western Oregon RAC provides advice and recommendations on all aspects of public land management to the BLM’s Coos Bay, Medford, Roseburg, and Northwest Oregon Districts, as well as part of the Lakeview District. The Council is made up of citizens that represent diverse interest areas and organizations, including conservation, outdoor recreation, state and local government, academia, and forest management.

The 15-member Western Oregon RAC has four positions open for public application through November 15, 2024. The BLM is seeking interested individuals who represent:

  • Energy and mineral development; commercial timber industry; organized labor or non-timber forest product harvester groups; developed outdoor recreation; off-highway vehicle use; commercial recreation activities; or non-industrial private forest landowners.
  • National, regional, or local environmental organizations; dispersed recreation; archeological and historical interests; wildlife or hunting organizations; or watershed associations.
  • State, county, or local elected office; represents Indian Tribes; is a teacher or school official; represents the public-at-large; or is employed by a state agency responsible for the management of natural resources, land, or water.

“The diverse membership of the Western Oregon RAC helps ensure that BLM land managers get the varying perspectives they need to achieve their mission, which is to manage the public lands for multiple uses,” said Heather Whitman, the Designated Federal Official for the Western Oregon RAC.

Member of the Western Oregon RAC typically serve a three-year term. The Council meets two to four times per year, both virtually and in-person at various locations in western Oregon. All applicants must be Oregon residents. Although members serve without monetary compensation, travel and per diem expenses are reimbursed.

To receive an application, contact Western Oregon RAC Coordinator Megan Harper at 541-751-4353 or by email at Individuals can also download an application at

Individuals may submit their signed application and letter of recommendation by email to, by mail to the BLM, Coos Bay District Office, Attention: Megan Harper, 1300 Airport Lane, North Bend, OR 97459, or deliver in person to the same address.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.