BLM seeks comments on proposal to expand tour operations in the White Mountains National Recreation Area

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Beaver Creek Wild and Scenic River winds around trees with mountains in background
White Mountains National Recreation Area

FAIRBANKS, Alaska — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern Interior Field Office is seeking public input through August 28 on an environmental assessment evaluating a special recreation permit application by Borealis Basecamp, LLC for expanded snowmachine tours and new helicopter day tours in the White Mountains National Recreation Area. The 30-day comment period provides an opportunity for the public to provide input to help identify issues, impacts and information to include in the environmental assessment of the proposed tour activities.

Borealis Basecamp currently has a BLM Special Recreation Permit for snowmachine and off-highway vehicle tours in the White Mountains National Recreation Area. The current application proposes an expansion of Borealis Basecamp’s winter snow machine tours by doubling the day use group limit from 14 snowmachines per day to14 snowmachines twice a day, for a total of 28 snowmachines per day. The tours use the Wickersham Dome Trailhead and five miles of the Wickersham Creek Trail where Borealis Basecamp has an arctic oven style tent located at their turnaround point.

The proposal also includes scenic helicopter tours with landing sites in the White Mountains National Recreation Area. Helicopter tours would be scheduled from September 16 - April 9 and occur at 1,500 feet above ground level with a proposed flight path that avoids public use cabins and trailheads. Borealis Basecamp consulted with the BLM to identify landing sites that will provide a scenic destination while minimizing potential impacts to important wildlife and avoiding conflict with other users.

To learn more about this proposal and how to comment, visit the BLM National NEPA Register project webpage. Comments will be accepted online through the project webpage and through the mail to: BLM Eastern Interior Field Office, ATTN: Borealis Basecamp Tours, 222 University Ave, Fairbanks, AK 99709.

The BLM encourages commentors to ensure their comments are specific to the actions proposed, provide additional information about the project area, or identify issues or concerns with the proposal. Note that any comments submitted and associated personally identifiable information commenters may become publicly available.

For more information on this proposal and environmental assessment, please contact Tim DuPont, Outdoor Recreation Planner, at or 907-474-2200.


Bureau Of Land Management, Fairbanks District Office, 222 University Avenue, Fairbanks, AK  99709

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