BLM issues Decision for Pine Nut Mountain Herbicide and Seeding Project

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CARSON CITY, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management, Carson City District, has issued the Decision for the Pine Nut Mountain Herbicide and Seeding Project.

The Decision would allow BLM to implement vegetation treatments in targeted areas within and adjacent to the Pine Nut Mountain range up to a total of 15,500 acres. These treatments would occur within fuel breaks along major roads (approx. 6,500 acres) and in previously burned and degraded areas (approx. 9,000 acres). Treatment methods used will depend on site characteristics, condition, and need. Treatments may include herbicide application (aerial or ground) targeting invasive cheatgrass, and native vegetation seeding and/or planting.

The treatments would be implemented within the next 5–10-year period in phases consisting of 2,000-5,000 acres each and will typically occur during the fall and early winter.

“The implementation of this project would help meet the projects goals of mitigating extreme wildfire behavior to protect currently intact areas and restoring degrading areas caused by previous fires within the Pine Nuts,” said Jonathan Palma, Acting Sierra Front Field Manager.

The documents including a map have been made available for a 30-day public review and appeal period and are available on the project’s ePlanning website at For further information, please contact Cassy Rivas, Natural Resource Specialist, or Terah Malsam, Planning and Environmental Coordinator, at (775) 885-6000.