Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail
From the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, the Pacific Northwest Trail is a unique hiking experience, offering a variety of back-country scenery and outdoor adventure. The 1200-mile Pacific Northwest Trail, running from the Continental Divide to the Pacific Ocean, ranks among the most scenic trails in the world. The PNT crosses three national parks and seven national forests, and ends at the Pacific Ocean on Washington's Olympic Peninsula.
On public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, this trail meanders through areas rich in Native American and pioneer history, along a historic railroad grade deep in the canyon of the Similkameen River, and high above the shores of Chopaka Lake, in the heart of the Okanogan highlands of northern Washington. Between Oroville and the Enloe Dam, the trail follows the new Similkameen Trail.
The Similkameen River begins north of the international border in British Columbia and empties into the Okanogan River near Oroville, WA. From Palmer Lake to Oroville, the Pacific Northwest Trail follows the river's meandering course, primarily along the abandoned railroad grade on the river's south and west sides.
For more information about BLM-managed lands on the Similkameen River and along the Pacific Northwest Trail, contact the BLM Wenatchee Field Office at 509-665-2100.