California Trail Interpretive Center Announces Fine Arts Exhibit, “Nevada Wild 2020”


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ELKO, Nev. – The California Trail Interpretive Center is presenting a fine arts exhibit, “Nevada Wild 2020”

“Nevada Wild 2020” includes dozens of paintings, multimedia, photographs and sculptures by Nevada artists. The exhibit opens January 2 and will run through April 30. Original art will be available for purchase. Several of the artists will present programs and workshops at the California Trail Interpretive Center to coincide with the exhibit.

“The earliest recorded observations of the west were those of artists who were dedicated to communicating the reality of American lands and territories. The valuable information that they captured was of immense importance to Congress, the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world. Artists active in the West during the 1800’s explored and created masterful landscape paintings and photographs. We can still see the beauty of their observations through the works of artists such as Albert Bierstadt, William Henry Jackson, Thomas Moran, Jack Hillars, George Catlin, and Charles Deas, along with many others,” said Susanne Reese, curator of the exhibit.

“Our participating artists, influenced by the open range, deserts, high mountain peaks, and extensive sagebrush steppes of the Nevada high desert, follow in this pioneer tradition. This exhibit contemporaneously depicts their feelings and insights into people, nature, and the earth itself,” said Reese.

Artists presenting their work in the exhibit include Lynne Kistler, Trish and Deon Reynolds, Mark Hayward, Patty Fox, Wendy Ehrmann, Gary and Susanne Reese, Larry Hyslop, Jordan Thomas, and James Patrick Lynch.

“Nevada Wild 2020” was made possible in part by financial support from Southern Nevada Conservancy and the Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group.

The California Trail Interpretive Center is located eight miles west of Elko on I-80, Hunter exit 292. The Center is open Thursday through Monday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission is free.

For more information about the California Trail Interpretive Center, call (775) 738-1849. Visit the Trail Center online at or

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