Fiscal_Year 2014 Award Ceilings

IM WY 2014-003
Instruction Memorandum

1400-451 (953) P
November 6, 2013
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2014-03
Expires: 9/30/2015
To: Wyoming Management Team
From: Associate State Director
Subject: Fiscal_Year (FY) 2014 Award Ceilings
Program Area: Budget and Awards
Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to establish statewide award
ceilings for non-SES employees for FY 2014.
Policy/Action: Starting October 1, 2011, performance awards and individual contribution
awards (such as special act awards, STAR awards, etc.) for all employees were capped at
1 percent of the total salary base of FY 2010 for each District and Division. Each District and
Division is responsible for ensuring compliance with this cap and will be held accountable.
The Department has recently issued an award policy for FY 2014 (See FY 2014 Award Limit).
There will be no deviation based on other factors, such as non-appropriated funds, alternative
payment sources, etc.
Quality Step Increases (QSIs) and Time off Awards (TOAs) are not included in this ceiling;
however, numbers of QSIs and TOAs given in FY 2014 cannot exceed FY 2010 levels. See FY
2014 Time-Off (hours) and QSI limit table below.
Recruitment, relocation, and retention incentives are not awards and are not covered by the
budgetary limits. However, spending on these incentives in Calendar Year (CY) 2013 will not
exceed CY 2010 levels. See Human Resources and the State Budget Officer for questions
regarding these incentives.
It is important to note that the majority of the dollars spent on awards are those given for
performance. As a guideline, approximately 70 percent of the allowance should be spent on
performance-based cash awards and 30 percent should be used for individual contribution
United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
awards (such as special act awards, STAR awards, etc.) throughout the year.
The performance awards must be processed no later than December 31, 2013. The awards count
towards the ceiling of the FY that the expense is incurred. Therefore, awards given on or after
October 1, 2013, will count towards the FY14 award ceiling.
When an award is given to an employee in a different office/Division, the award amount is
typically charged to the award ceiling of the office/Division giving the award. It is strongly
recommended and a common courtesy to coordinate with the employee’s supervisor before
submitting the award.
The award funds available for FY 2014 based on 1 percent of the total projected salary base (less
8 percent held back for sequestration in FY 2013 and FY 2014) are shown below:
Office FY 2014
Award Limit
WY910 Total $27,096
WY920 Total $53,110
WY930 Total $27,638
WY950 Total $53,653
WYDO Total $174,504
WYPO Total $114,349
WYRO Total $91,588
Total $541.938
QSI and TOAs are allocated to the Districts and Divisions in proportion to their percentage of
total statewide employees, and in accordance with guidance that states FY 2010 numbers are not
to be exceeded.
Time-Off (hours) QSI
WY910 Total 14 1
WY920 Total 66 1
WY930 Total 36 1
WY950 Total 84 1
WYDO Total 373 3
WYPO Total 230 2
WYRO Total 213 2
Total 1016 11
All TOAs and QSIs must be approved by the Associate State Director (ASD), prior to discussion
with an employee. The ASD will coordinate with the District Managers (DM) and Deputy State
Directors (DSD) throughout the year to discuss needs and make ceiling adjustments as necessary.
Background: Nation-wide work force planning and budgetary reductions continue to limit
amounts available for monetary awards.
Timeframe: This IM is effective immediately. However, the FY 2014 awards ceiling may be
revised as new or additional direction becomes available.
Budget Impact: This policy will limit the total amount spent annually on awards. Award
amounts will be taken from miscellaneous operational funds that are provided to each
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.
Coordination: This process was developed in coordination with the Wyoming State Office
Budget Officer, all DSD’s, DM’s, and the State Human Resources Officer.
Contact: If you have any questions, please contact Missy Cook, Human Resources Specialist, at
307-775-6352 or
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Mary Jo Rugwell Sherry Dixon
Associate State Director Administrative Assistant
Director (700), Rm. 5613, MIB 1
CF 1


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Fiscal Year