Procuring Real Estate Valuation Services through the Office of Valuation Services

IM 2014-081
Instruction Memorandum


April 7, 2014


In Reply Refer To:

9300 (350) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2014-081

Expires:  09/30/2015 


To:                   All Field Office Officials

From:               Assistant Director, Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management        

Subject:           Procuring Real Estate Valuation Services through the Office of Valuation Services

Program Area:  Lands and Realty.

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) provides policy guidance on the procurement of real estate valuation services for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  The purpose of this IM is to update previous guidance on the procurement of valuation services provided by the Office of Valuation Services (OVS).  

Policy/Action:  All BLM programs requiring Government contracts for real estate valuation services or products will use OVS contracting services.  

On February 26, 2013, the BLM and OVS executed a National Interagency Agreement (IAA) which identifies the roles and responsibilities of both agencies for contracting appraisal services when Government contracts are the vehicle for procurement.  The Agreement Document Number is OVS-BLM-A01-08.  In the IAA, the BLM is identified as the “Buyer” and the OVS is the “Seller.”  The following link includes a copy of the executed IAA transmitted under Washington Office Information Bulletin 2013-064, dated April 25, 2013.  Interagency Agreement (IAA), Part A - General Terms and Conditions.

There are two major components to the IAA:

  1. Part A establishes the General Terms and Conditions for appraisal and valuation contracting services by OVS; and
  2. Part B obligates the agency’s funds.

In general, to initiate the process, the BLM realty staff will submit a formal request for services via the Interior Valuation Information System (IVIS).  Subsequently, an OVS review appraiser will be assigned to the case and will assist the BLM realty staff member through the entire process.

  1. The OVS review appraiser will:
    1. Provide a draft Statement of Work (SOW), develop an Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE), and provide a list of qualified appraisers;
    2. Review all prepared documents with the BLM realty staff; and
    3. Be the principal point of contact between the OVS contracting officer and BLM staff.
  2. BLM realty staff will:
    1. Coordinate with the BLM budget staff to ensure the availability of funds for each proposed project.  Part B of the IAA will obligate the required funds; and
    2. Submit the SOW, IGCE and other supporting documentation through IVIS.  

The completion of both Part A and Part B of the IAA constitutes a financial obligation for the BLM to compensate OVS for its contracting valuation services.  Three authorities are available for selection, under Part B, block 4, titled, “Under the authority of (Cite Authorities).”  In most cases, the BLM realty staff will use 43 U.S.C. 1701 (FLPMA). 

  1. The items attached to this IM are provided as sample documents needed for this process, and  include:
  1. A sample SOW;
  2. A sample IGCE; and
  3. A sample of Part B. 

Timeframe:  This IM is effective immediately. 

Budget Impact:  There is no significant impact.  Expenses will be borne by the individual program or project.


  1. On June 1, 2009, the Assistant Secretary-Policy, Management and Budget (A/S-PMB) approved the BLM and other Department of the Interior (DOI) agencies to use their contracting staff within their agencies to contract appraisals for real estate transactions.  On May 21, 2010, Secretarial Order (S.O.) 3300 reorganized the Department of the Interior’s real estate valuation functions and created the OVS within the Office of the A/S-PMB. 
  1. On September 23, 2013, the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Budget, Finance, Performance and Acquisition rescinded the June 1, 2009, memorandum that allowed the BLM and other DOI agencies to contract services for real estate appraisal transactions.  
  1. The following Departmental Manuals (DM) implement S.O. 3300:  DM Part 112 Chapter 33 dated June 1, 2011, outlines the real estate appraisal program functions and responsibilities for the OVS Director.  DM Part 212 Chapter 33 dated June 27, 2013, delegates the authority to the OVS Director to carry out real estate appraisal program functions that include procurement of real estate appraisal services.  DM Part 602 Chapter 1 dated June 27, 2013, sets policy for the OVS.  You may find these DMs at the following links: 
  1. 602 DM 01:;
  2. 212 DM 33:; and
  3. 112 DM 33:

These instructions do not apply to mineral estate valuations for fluid and solid minerals and will not affect the ability to use third parties that are able to assist the BLM with the acquisition of land or interest inland in accordance with 602 DM 1.7.C.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  This IM transmits interim policy the BLM will incorporate into the next revision of BLM Manuals 2100-Acquisition, 2200-Exchanges, 2710-Sales, 2740 and 2912-Recreation and Public Purpose, 2910-Leases and 2920-Leases, Permits and Easements.   

Coordination:  The development of this IM was coordinated with Washington Office Division of Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey, field office realty and minerals staff, OVS, and the Office of the Solicitor.

Contact:  For any questions concerning the content of this IM or for further information, please contact Michael D. Nedd at 202-208-4201.  Your staff may contact Robyn Shoop, Acting Division Chief, Division of Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey, at 202-912-7350; Don Buhler, Branch Chief, Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey, at 202-912-7353; or Janet Eubanks, Land Tenure Program Lead, at 202‑912-7149.  If you have questions concerning OVS appraisal, budget, or contracting procedures, contact Tim Hansen, Client Service Manager, at 303-969-5368,


Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Michael Nedd                                                             Robert M. Williams

Assistant Director                                                       Division of IRM Governance,WO-860

Energy, Minerals and Realty Management


3 Attachments

     1 – Statement of Work (15 pp)

     2 – Sample of IGCE (1 p)

     3 – Sample of part B of the IAA (2 pp)

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