Inputting Grazing Operator Contact Information Releasability Codes into RAS DD: 09/30/2007

IM 2007-193
Instruction Memorandum





September 18, 2007


In Reply Refer To:

4130 (220) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2007-193

Expires:  9/30/2008


To:              AFO’s except Eastern States and Alaska

From:          Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject:       Inputting Grazing Operator Contact Information Releasability Codes into RAS                   

DD:  09/30/2007


Program Area:  Rangeland Management, Grazing Administration

Purpose:  This directive requires field offices to enter data codes within the Rangeland Administration System (RAS) that will improve our ability to respond to requests for grazing operator contact information consistent with Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act requirements.

Background:  Grazing permittees and lessees will be referred to as permittees throughout this Instruction Memorandum (IM).  The BLM maintains permittee contact information within the RAS electronic data base and in permittee case records.

In consideration of federal agency responsibilities under the Privacy Act regarding agency collection, use and disclosure of personal information, IM 2006-068 (01/19/2006) established policy that requires BLM to withhold personal contact information of some grazing permittees when responding to relevant information requests.  IM 2006-068 created three categories of permittees (which it designated as 1, 2a and 2b) who BLM determined to have differing privacy interests under the Privacy Act.  This IM specified that in response to requests for permittee personal contact information, BLM will withhold none, some or all of the personal contact information of permittees based upon the category to which they have been assigned. [1]

To facilitate the use of RAS to respond to requests for permittee contact information in accordance with this policy, a data field was created in RAS to denote each permittee’s category based on the criteria stated in IM 2006-068.  However, within RAS, these categories are denoted as “name and address releasability codes” 1, 2 and 3, (instead of Categories 1, 2, and 2a as stated in the IM) as follows:  

Releasability Code 1:  No contact information is withheld.  The permittee name, entire address and phone number may be released.  Within RAS, the code 1 description has been abbreviated to:  ‘Release all information.”  This is the same as Category 1 in IM 2006-068.

Releasability Code 2:  The street or P.O. Box address, 4-digit Zip code extension, and telephone number are withheld.  The permittee name, city, state, and the first five digits of the zip code may be released.  Within RAS, the code 2 description has been abbreviated to:  “All except for street and phone.”  This is the same as Category 2a in IM 2006-068.

Releasability Code 3:  The name, street or P.O. Box address, telephone number and 4-digit Zip code extension is withheld.  The city, state, and the first five digits of the permittee address zip code may be released.  Within RAS, the code 3 description has been abbreviated to:  “Just Auth. #, City, State and Zip.”  This is the same as Category 2b in IM 2006-068.

The RAS authorization number (formerly referred to as the “operator number”) may be released in all cases.


  1. All permittee names will be reviewed and assigned to one of the three address releasability groups based on the attached determination key.  Attachment 1 is a “Key for Determining Authorization Name and Address RAS Releasability Category.”  This key was developed by NSTC to assist offices in interpreting which RAS releasability code they should assign to permittees for purposes of conforming to the policy stated in IM 2006-068.  Please use this key to assist your efforts to assign releasability codes.  This key is consistent with the guidance provided by IM 2006-068.
  2. The results of the review and code assignment must be entered into the RAS by close of business on September 30, 2007.  Attachment 2 shows the steps to do this.

Effective Date:  This policy is effective immediately.

Manuals/Handbooks Affected:  H-4010-1:  Range Management Records is affected by this policy.

Budgetary Impact:  Short term minor costs will occur due to added information review and data entry requirement.  Long term cost savings are expected due to increased efficiency in responding to request for permittee contact information.

Points of Contact:  If you have questions regarding these matters, please contact Ken Visser (WO-220, (775) 861-6492,, Leon Pack (NSTC,, (303) 236-0156, or Philip Cooley (NSTC,, (303) 236-3693).



Signed by:                                                                   

Authenticated by:

Acting, Deputy Assistant Director                                

Robert M. Williams

Todd S. Christensen                                                    

Division of IRM Governance, WO-560

Renewable Resources and Planning



2 Attachments

  1. Key for Determining Authorization Name and Address RAS Releasability Category (2 pp)
  2. Steps to Enter Authorization Releasability Codes in RAS (2 pp)



[1] If the information request meets the criteria of being a “routine use” of this information as stated in the Privacy Act Notice for the Rangeland Management System of Records (Range Management System--Interior, LLM-2), then the policy stated in IM 2006-068 does not apply to that request.  This Notice was last updated on February 28, 2007 and can be found at:



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