Monitoring the Habitat of Ute Ladies' Tresses (Spiranthes Diluvialis) on the South Fork Snake River, Idaho-Methods and First Year Results


This project developed a systematic, easily repeatable monitoring method for objectively measuring annual changes and threats to the habitat of Spiranthes diluvialis (Ute ladies' tresses). Twenty-three permanent habitat monitoring transects were established at 18 suitable population occurrences along the South Fork of the Snake River, Idaho. An index of habitat change was used that involves the measurement of specific habitat attributes important for the persistence of Spiranthes diluvialis. The index integrates what we have learned about Spiranthes diluvialis habitat from prior vegetation sampling as well as current floodplain dynamics and vegetation succession modeling. A checklist of habitat attributes are measured at both the population (transect) scale and the landscape scale. The measurements of habitat attributes use a relative scale, yielding cumulative values representing current habitat conditions at each transect. Data collected in 2001 provides a reference point for measuring future environmental change at both the population and landscape levels. The first year focused on development, testing, and baseline data collection. Following years will be used for refinement, adding additional transects where necessary, collecting more baseline habitat data, and monitoring habitat for threats or changes.

Publication Date




Collection: BLM Library
Category: Report

